Until I Found You

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Until I Found You (HaeSoo)

Old Love


December 26, 1988

Dear Jisoo Kim,

How are you?

You must be surprised to receive a letter from me. I bet on all people, I’m the last person you would think you will receive a  letter from. It has been a while since we last talked. Probably give and take four to three years ago? I won’t expect you’ll remember. We were just passersby, I was busy with my life and you with yours.

This. Me, reaching out is not out of the blue. Yesterday, while I was cleaning my desk I found an unopened letter dated March 27, 1987. The sender was you. I do not know why I only saw this, it was the first time you sent me a letter and I misplaced it. And the instant regret I felt was… I hope you did not misunderstand or took in a wrong way my lack of response.

I’m doing fine here. It’s unbelievably cold this time of the year. I miss our place, where it is just sunny all year round. Nothing has changed much about me, honestly. I still wished I did have a choice to stay four years ago.

Thank you so much for your birthday greetings last year. My apologies for the delay of this letter. I hope you will send me a reply and I did not miss another chance this time.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Advance Happy Birthday, my dearest Jisoo.

Sincerely yours,

Haein Jung


January 01, 1989

Dear Haein Jung,

Imagine my surprise when the mailman gave me your letter and I was shocked beyond belief when I saw your name written in the envelope. It has been a long time, but I am glad to receive your letter and to know you’re alive and well.

In actuality, I was just hoping that the address I got from Minkyu Kim was right, that's why I sent a letter. I just presumed that the letter got lost on the way when I did not get a reply. But as they always say, better late than never.

Likewise, nothing much has changed in this town. People still like to gossip, get involved with everyone’s lives, and the singles to get married. I lost my contact with some of my friends, and one of them is your brother. Life goes on here, the same as usual. I was imagining when you mentioned that it was unbelievably cold there last month. Was there snow? Oh, I love to see snow. I want to feel how soft they’ll be on my palm. I wished I was brave enough before to leave this town, just like you. Even if it was a matter of choice or not.

Haein, I would like to stay in touch with you. I hope I’m not imposing on anyone in your life.

P.S. Thank you so much for the advance greetings. You’re the first person who greeted me for my birthday this year. 

Much regards,



January 9, 1989

Dear Jisoo,

Hi, how are you? I hope you’re doing fine upon receiving this letter.

Late is better than never. And I hope I was not late this time, not just by my reply, too.

Yes, it snows here. The white contrast of the snow against the trees is striking, you will definitely love that. It is fun to run around and lay down on the snow and create snow angels. But it is not fun if you’re doing it by yourselves. I tried earlier and I looked like a fool to my neighbors. The snow is soft to touch, soft against my skin. But it hurts to sometimes touch them. I prefer with gloves on. For an adventurer like you…I can imagine you wanting to taste them.

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