Late Night Talk

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Late Night Talking (HaeSoo)
I don't like you-I like you

"I don't like that guy," Jisoo said as she squinted her eyes.
"What--who?" Jennie asked her.
"That guy," she said, her lips pursing towards the guy who is laughing at his friend's joke.
"What about him?"
"I don't like his laugh. It's annoying."
"Kim Jisoo," Jennie said her name in a reprimanding tone. "There you go again with your petty hatred for people. Just stop looking at him, girl."
"So far, in all humans I saw, he's the most annoying."
Jennie sighed in exasperation. "Jisoo, please. I don't want to get into trouble just because you're vocal on what you hate."
"Just look at him, Jen. C'mon you'll see what I meant." Not leaving her eyes on the guy, she pointed out one by one what she don't like. "Too tall, his face is too small, why is his eyes smile whenever he smiles? Dude, just why? And have you seen his arms? I feel like he can crashed me with those. And I already mentioned his laughs. I hate the sound of it."
Jennie laughed and pulled her hand down that she unconciously used to point at the guy.
"Girl, aren't those the qualities you like for a guy?"
She gave her friend and incredulous look. "What the hell--no! Where did you get that fake news?"
"From you?" Jennie snickered. "Stop with this and let's go. If you still want to check him out, I'm leaving you here."
Jisoo ran after Jennie but not before looking back again at the guy. But she was surprised to see him looking back at her. She raised one of her brows at him, she just caught him staring and he should be embarrassed. But the guy just smiled at her and gave her a small wave.
Her face flushed, but instead of cowering, she just rolled her eyes and walked away. She just wished he doesn't have 20/20 vision or else, he'll know he made her blush.
"Hey, Ji. Your guy is here."
Jisoo stopped writing on her organizer and she looked up in front of their lecture room. The professor is not yet in and students are pouring in and out of the room. A group of people just went in, same people she saw outside their campus.
And one of them is the too-tall-too-smiley-too-everything guy. Are they going to be her classmates for this subject? Great.
"He's not my guy," she said to Jennie in a low voice.
"But you were simping over him--"
"Sshh! What the hell, Kim Jennie?"
Jennie laughed again and they must've attracted their attention. They looked up at them. Jisoo quickly looked down at her notebook.
"You're shy?" Jennie asked her in a shock tone. "Never knew you'll be embarrassed because of a guy. You're the most man-hater girl I know, Jisoo."
"Shut up, Jen," she hissed.
"You must really like him!" she squealed.
She was about to deck Jennie on her chin but someone cleared their throat beside her. Her wheezing friend got away from her while the guy with that annoyingly eye smile stared down at her.
"Yes?" she asked with one of her brows raised.
"May I sit with you?"
"There are lots of free sits," she said looking around. There is only one available sit beside her and Jennie occupied the other side. "I don't think you and your friends can fit in one chair."
He looked dumbfounded for a second before realization dawned on him. "Oh, they're not sitting with me."
"And why not?"
"Ha? Uhm..." He scratched the back of his head.
Jisoo looked back at her work, completely dismissing him.
"Gosh, Jisoo!" Jennie smacked her arm. "Can't you be a little nicer?"
"What?" she mouthed.
Jennie smiled at the guy. "I'm Jennie. And yes, you can sit beside her. I apologized for the uncivilized Kim Jisoo. It's the first time a guy did not backed down at her razor sharp claws."
"What, it's true."
The annoying guy laughed again and her baby hair behind her ear stood up. Ghad. It's much more... annoying to hear it up close.
Jennie smirked at her and pointed at her arm. She immediately hid her arm, she have goosebumps, for shite.
Her back stoic, the guy sat beside her. He put his backpack on the table. Oh, goodness. He smelled heavenly--annoyingly again. Who on Earth would smell great like this? It's like he brought her to dreamland just by his smile. Crazy.
"So, you're Kim Jisoo?"
She ignored him.
"I'm Jung Haein. I'm just taking this subject because my course is not giving advance classes--"
"Can you stop talking? I'm trying to concentrate here," she cut him. It's so hard to write when her ear and her whole attention shifted to him.
Surprised was evident on his super expressive guy. Goodness, there are lots of things to hate on this guy.
"You're not friendly..." he said in a quite tone.
"And you're chatty."
"I just want to talk while the prof is not here yet."
"But I'm busy, as you can see." She waved at her notebook.
"Yeah, what are you writing anyway?"
"My daily schedule today--what the hell? Why am I telling you that?"
He smiled. "You're cute."
Jisoo heard Jennie choked beside her. She narrowed her eyes at this annoying guy.
"You're not. So stop talking to me."
"Okay," he said with that smiley eyes again.
"Stop smiling at me!" she hissed.
"Alright," he said and bit his lower lip to stop the smile but failing to do so.
"Stop that!"
"What? What should I stop this time?"
"That!" She don't know! How can she tell him not to bit his lips because it's giving her green ideas--damn it!
Luckily, the professor came in and the class starts. Jennie hummed beside her and whispered, "You finally found someone who won't bow down at the mighty Jisoo. And he's your type. Lucky!"
Jisoo gripped the pen tighter. Because she bet, Annoying Jung Haein heard that.

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