Unang Sayaw

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Unang Sayaw (Haesoo)

Jisoo smiled at the camera in front of her. Her smile pasted on her lips, her professional one, calmed her nerves as the camera man behind fix its focus.
She got awkward for a moment. Look for a bit on her off shoulder floral dress. She played the ring around her finger.
"Ready, Jisoo?" the man behind the camera asked her.
She smiled again, tight lipped, and nodded. "What was the question again?" she asked.
"What was your fond or favorite memory from filming Snowdrop that you still remember until now?"
Ah. She nodded once again. Her mind filling up with the right answer. With the safe answer.
But when the camera man shouted "action!", he suddenly came into view and her breath hitched up for a second. Her smile freeze and all her right answers fly away. Only the one fond memory filled the front of her mind.

"I don't know how to dance, sorry..."
Jisoo giggled as Haein looked at her shyly while scratching the back of his head.
"It's okay, oppa. I will guide you," she said with a smile.
"I don't want to step on your feet, Jisoo," he said, his eyes worried.
"You won't, trust me," she said, her eyes rolling. She laid her hand on him. "Let's try, oppa?"
Haein Jung was shy at first. This was their second or maybe third time together in one set. They should be awkward, she should be. But she's laughing at him because of his shyness to dance with her.
His hand on her waist, hers on his wide shoulder, Jisoo wondered why she felt comfortable inside his arms.
But the answer was there. When their eyes met, Haein's warm gaze on hers made her see why. Haein is seeing her as someone he can trust on this. Just the same she can trust him on guiding her through the heavy drama for the series.
She jumped on his arms, as part of the routine, holding her breath as he twirled them around.
Her eyes on his, smiling at each other.
Haein stood as he watched Jisoo do her interview in front of the camera. He rocked on his heels, back and forth. His body itching to come closer. To see her closer.
It has always been like this. He wants to see her excel on everything she does. Because he believes she can. She can do magic on her own. And she shine brighter with the lights all on her.
"Haein, here's the script," his manager told him and gave him some papers.
It has Jisoo's script, too. The question for her made him smile.
He looked behind him where Eugene is slowly walking towards him.
"Are you done with yours?" he asked.
"Yes...where is Jisoo?" Eugene stopped and stared at Jisoo, too. "Ah, she's so pretty. Isn't she?"
He did not answer. Just looked down at his paper.
"Don't disturb her," he said.
"I just wanna ask for a photo, though," Eugene pouted. "I'll ask Jisoo. It's not like you're her manager."
He inhaled sharply. His tongue itching to tell something but he held back again. No. Silence is good for now.
He grabbed the phone from Eugene and ushered her to Jisoo when he saw that she's done. Jisoo's eyes landed on him the moment he walked towards her.
"Oppa..." Her eyes went to Eugene. "Unnie!"
"Jisoo, you're so pretty! Let's take a picture?"
"Okay," Jisoo said.
"I'll take it," he said. He cleared his throat and opened his own phone and positioned it to a selfie.
"Haein, I want a solo--"
"No, let's take it like this," he cut her off.
Eugene snorted. "If you want to have a solo pic with Jisoo, just say so."
"Unnie, I would like a group pic, too," Jisoo's voice was a little bit silent.
He went near her. Stood beside her. With no judgment from anyone in the set. Because they're not alone. It doesn't mean anything. But her hand on his back left a tingling feeling after that selfie.
"What's your favorite memory during the filming?"
There's only one answer for Haein, always. Every scene--all scenes with Jisoo was his favorite.
He learned a new dance because of her.
He learned to have fun even if the scenes are serious.
He liked that they got the chance to work the drama together.
He won't be able to forget their laughters ringing through his mind all throughout the taping.
His memorable feeling is receiving love from the snows and making this possible.
And his favorite memory is Jisoo itself. Because she is the best. Always.

-The End-

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