The Shade

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The Shade - Haesoo
Take a Break

Haein hummed in an unfamiliar tone while listening on the other side of the line. He leaned on the wall outside his waiting room for his new series. His ear pressed on his phone, he waited until Jisoo's voice called him again.
"Oppa? You still there?"
He smiled. Her husky voice soothing him. "Yes, I'm still here." Always here. But he did not add that. Did not want to disrupt her of anything between them now.
"Where are you?" he asked. He can hear Saerom's voice and other people he knew was from her agency.
"I went back. We need to regroup and discuss something again for the comeback," Jisoo answered.
He did not asked her to elaborate. Just listened as she sighed and just gave him again on the run down of her day. They are talking nonsensical things, honestly. Their topics all over the place. But he felt the need to keep talking to her. To hear her voice. To connect their very different day to day lives. Felt like this is what they both need right now. To talked, listened, and just be there for each other.
"Did you finished your music video recording?" he asked after she asked about his taping and how it was going.
"Yes. Do you want me to send you pictures?"
He chuckled. "As much as I am tempted to say yes, I'd say no. I want to be fair to my co-BLINKS. We'll all see the final cut on the release day."
"Ah, I raised my BLINK well."
He bit his lower lip to stopped his widening grin. He did not want to look like a lovesick puppy in front of other people. He will only show that side of him to one particular person. The one who made him looked like a goofy guy in love.
"Did you have fun though?"
"I did, oppa. It's been a while and I really missed the feeling of doing this. I remembered why I am here again and I learned a lot of things again."
"What did you learn? Ah, don't answer that if it'll just spoil me. I really want to be surprise and enjoy the full fun of your group's comeback."
This time, Jisoo laughed. Her husky tone washing down his fatigue. God, he missed when they were together for Snowdrop he can hear and feel her laughs personally. He loves making her laugh.
"Let's just say, my hands are bruised from practicing so much of this new learning."
Haein frowned. "Sounds fun and...hard." He can't imagine bruises on her skin. Something clenched on his heart.
"I'm okay," she said. "I'd say, it's fun and challenging. And I think you'll like it."
"But I love everything you do."
"Because you're biased."
"You're my bias."
Jisoo hummed. It's the same tone he did while waiting for her while she talked to someone earlier.
They stayed just like that for a while more. He did not give any information about his current project, too. Likewise, Jisoo wanted to watch the series first then they'll talk for hours his experiences, what he felt doing some particular scenes, and how he overcame difficult scenes.
Jisoo loves acting. She enjoyed doing Snowdrop. And for now, while she cannot do another drama project, she wanted to learn from other actors like him. He knew she have the same conversation with other senior actors.
"Hey, do you have free time this weekend?" he asked after a while.
"Let me see... I might have a free day next week. But I might be not. My schedule is erratic right now because of the preparations."
"I understand," he answered, assurance on his voice.
"Why, oppa?"
"Uhm." He scratched the back of his neck. "I have free time next week. A day break. I want to ask if you want to come play golf with me and Haejoon."
"Golf?" Jisoo's voice hitched with excitement. "I wanna go!"
He did not stopped his grin this time. Some of the crews passing by gave him a suspicious glance while some grinned back. But he did not mind them.
Jisoo agreed and promised to give him a heads up if ever she can't come. But all in all, the golf date plus Haejoon chaperone-ing gave him a boost to do his very best for his last scene.


"Hyung, so sneaky. Is this your revenge for third-wheeling on my dates before? Can't believe I'm the third wheel now..."
Haein appeared like he did not hear his brother talked, Jisoo looked back at Haejoon who gave her a full teeth smile. Haein pulled her attention back to him when he removed her sunvisor and put a white baseball cap on her head.
"This is an exclusive club, but members might see and recognize you. So better be careful than give Saerom another head ache later," Haein said while fixing the cap.
She did not say anything. Her eyes watching his serious face as he fussed over her.
"They'll respect not to take pictures but I don't want to take chances."
"You sound like my manager, oppa."
Haein narrowed his eyes at her. "I might be as well, since he's not doing a good job taking care of you."
She laughed. "Saerom-oppa likes you, but he said that he can't be complacent because it seemed like you want to take his job during our filming in Snowdrop. And now this? He'll have a fit if he hears you."
Haein smiled at her. Humor sparked his eyes. "Can I?"
"No," she said with seriousness but her lips tugging upright for a smile. "You're the best in what you're doing. And I wanna see more of your films and dramas. Plus, I haven't seen the romance master for a while. I'm waiting for a your another rom-com drama announcement."
Haejoon snorted behind them. "Don't get your hopes up, sis-in-law. There's no way in hell hyung will accept rom-com if the leading lady is not you."
"Haejoon-ah..." Haein glared at his brother.
"What? I'm just saying..." Haejoon's shoulder shook as he cackled and walked away from them.
She did not say anything as Haein continued checking her. His attention on her hands this time.
"What in the world are you doing?" he asked. His voice laced with concern.
"Playing," she answered. Her eyes fixated on the way his thumb caressed the bruises on the back of her hand. He also checked her fingers.
"Were you hurt?"
"No..." She patted his hand. "These are like badges of my honor. This means that I'm doing so well, according to my teacher."
Haein gave in an awed puffed and that can-melt-her-bones smile. "I can't wait to see it. You'll gonna exceed everyone's expectations for sure."
Haein whipped something from his pocket. It was gloves for her. She just let him put it on her and watched the satisfaction on his face for taking care of her.
"Tell me if your hands hurt, okay? We can take a break anytime."
Jisoo laughed again. Her energy recharging as they positioned to play. She pushed Haein aside to get her golf club.
"What are you saying? This is already a much deserve break, oppa," she said before looking back and smiling cheekily at him. "Thank you. I hope you won't get tired of taking care of me, oppa."
He shook his head, his smile matching hers. "That'll be impossible."
"Stop with the flirting and let's play!" Haejoon slapped Haein's back that made her laugh again.
"Why did I let you join today," Haein grumbled.
"Because you need a chaperone. So, let's go. Loser gets to pay our lunch today!" Haejoon said as he get his. "And that's hyung for sure."

-The End-

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