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Don't you just love movies that always ensure a happy ending, have a simple plotline, and lovable characters, with a little bit of humor involved. Well, this romantic movie is just the kind that promises all of that, and a bit more. 

Love, Classified is a movie that has a very simple storyline to follow. The characters are all likable with quirky dialogues thrown here and there. It's like a happy Wattpad story where no one dies and there's no actual extreme problems to solve. The movie follows a writer who has come back to her hometown for various reasons, and one of them is to reconnect with her estranged children. 

This movie is definitely something you'd want to watch with your family since it is very kid-friendly. Our female lovers fall in love with one another the old-fashioned way, by opening up to one another through conversation. Like, sometimes its nice to watch a movie where the lesbians aren't just waiting to jump each other's bones lol. 

Anyway, the movie has got multiple pros. The cast is wonderful, the characters are all loveable, and the ending will definitely leave a wide smile on your face. 

But I found a few cons too. Like how the movie is too simple. There's actually nothing ground-breaking happening, so just the people running about their business and just going through each day. But that's hardly a con because of how lesbian movies are all so damn depressing most of the time! There were also a few moments that left me confused though, like two characters interacting with one another when they hadn't actually been shown interacting with one another before. 

But, the movie is overall extremely enjoyable and entertaining. I'd actually watch it with my family, if most of them weren't unaware of my rainbow blood. 

Anyway, as always, you'll find the link to the movie down below, and I hope you all watch the movie and enjoy! :)

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