Not a Movie 103 - SENSE8

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Now, this show is something else. Like, I did not know anything other than the fact that it had a lesbian couple while going into this show, but this show kept me watching and procrastinating for a whole of four days. I do not regret the time I spent watching this at all. 

Sense8 is a terrific show. It has an amazing plot, amazing cast, amazing action, some really great shots and definitely the diversity and the vast number of topics it really covers. It is a show about these 8 people who are in different places of the world, living extremely different lives but they are connected to one another through their senses. And these people, they aren't just from different countries, they are completely different people altogether. They have different interests and different identifications, orientations. This show really conveys the message of diversity and how we are all the same and not the same at the same time lol. 

This show focked my mind up and it made me really happy. I have never seen any movie or show that has such a diverse cast. I have seen a few movies and shows that have diverse casts but this show definitely takes the cake. I loved each and every character that was introduced in the show. I even liked the villains, which I usually do but sometimes I think they's just assholes. But in this show, the villains were also pretty cool. 

This was the first time I couldnt pick a favorite character since whenever I'd think that 'yeah, this character was my favorite', I'd think of another one. 

I'd definitely recommend this show if you're a fan of action, and sci-fi, with a handful of romance, as well as LGBTQI+ representation, then this is a show for you. This show has a bucket load of gay and lesbian representation. It also has pansexual, transgender and bisexual representation. One of the main characters is a transgender lesbian woman, and she rocks. 

So, anyone who's interested in watching the show, ya'll can watch it from the links given down below. It has 2 seasons with 12 episodes each. 

Season 1:

Season 2:


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