Movie 89 - THE HALF OF IT

669 17 15

Song Used: Ruen Brothers - Break the Rules

First off all, this movie is written and directed by Alice Wu, who also directed Saving Face - the first movie that I started this review book with. So, I'm a bit happy that I got to see more of her work. 

Now, on to the movie. The half of it is a very real depiction of a romantic comedy, with both the female leads women of color. So, the movie does the first thing very right. Inclusivity. The other thing that the movie does very right is seen very clearly in the trailer that was released, about how it is a movie about a love story, just not a romance. 

Like, thank you Ms. Alice Wu for actually making a decent teenage lesbian rom-com while also highlighting this girl-boy relationship as platonic(well, for some part of it).

I felt this movie on such a deep level because it was so relatable and honest, and very raw. It felt like an actual effort to provide some real kind of relatability in all aspects of the film, and not just the love part. 

I hope you guys also watch the movie and enjoy it as much as I did. 

The movie is on Netflix, and you can also watch it on the link below:

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