Not a Movie 127 - FIRST KILL

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Hello, my lovely peeps. I've been gone too long, mostly because Wattpad is still banned in my country. But I haven't been idle for the whole time. I've been doing some soul searching, some discoveries, and some very much needed time to myself. 

But we're not here to talk about me, we're here to talk about one of our collective fantasies coming to life very tastefully. We're here to talk about First Kill, which is a lesbian TV show released on Netflix. It has a Romeo and Juliet take on things, where one of the leads - Juliette - is a Vampire. Yes, a lesbian vampire. And we've got Calliope, who belongs to a monster hunting family. So, yes, these women are going to have a hell of a story. I would know because I've watched all of it with attentive eyes. 

Most of the scenes were just beautiful, and what makes everything so much better is that our very own Elizabeth Mitchell is playing Juliette's mother. Yes, Elizabeth Mitchell, who starred in Gia right alongside Angelina Jolie. And then to top that off, we've got Gracie Dzienny, who is so beautiful, hot, and incredibly right in her role as Juliette's sister. So, yeah. I watched the show mostly simping on all the women. Like, Calliope's mother is so wholesome and hot, and Calliope herself is so badass and hot, I just can't. I literally can't

Anyway, for my lovely bisexual and pansexual peeps. The men in the show are also uber attractive. Like, Apollo sounds and looks like a god lmao, so there's that. 

Anyway, back to the show which got side-tracked. First Kill is exactly the way it sounds. Both Juliette and Calliope need their first kill to be recognized as something in their respective worlds. But a first kill isn't as easy as it sounds.

For a show which could've had a cliched story and everybody would just pack up and leave, this show had exactly that. But it also had taste. Like, we get to see each character get humanized and broken down into a multitude of layers. There's no villain, there's just lots and lots of feelings. 

A few peeps that I know of thought the show was cringey but I honestly thought it was entertaining and enjoyable. Like, peeps been having cliche and cringey hetero shows since forever and can't let the gays enjoy this one show lol. But, you peeps are free to watch the show and be the true queer judges. This is your domain. 

As of now, we have the first season which is on Netflix and can also be viewed from the link below. Hope you peeps have a good time with this. Also, I'd recommend watching it alone for the first episode. Things get a bit steamy. Hehehehe.

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