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Lmao, I've never watched a show so quickly as I watched this. I've never been into reality tv but damn, this show had my attention and my love. It's a really good show, not just because it's all about our wonderful queer peeps, but also because it shows real struggles and problems with queer people. 

The show is about these 5 couples, and 5 of the people want to get married to their partners, but their partners aren't ready for it or something else. So, the show's result would be to have these couples either engaged to one another or like, they break up. Lol, sorry for the vagueness but thats just about it. 

Now, lets get down to the people. Because the women in this show are just top notch real af. My favorites were definitely Tiff, Mal, Sam, and Lexi. A bit iffy about Lexi and Tiff, but damn, these four were the least toxic to me, aside from their insecurities and stuff. Like, the peeps in this show were so entertaining to watch, mostly because of all the drama lmao, but also because some of the people were so toxic and they were not even aware of it. 

Also, the host of the show was so hilarious to watch in all of the moments when she was there with the couples. Woman didn't even know what to do when all the shit was going down. She looked like a scared puppy lol. I feel like the creators should've gotten someone better to host. Literally someone a teeny weensy bit queer maybe? All I can say about it is missed opportunity. 

Anyway, you guys should watch the show and have fun. Have opinions and judgements lol, but keep them all lighthearted because these people are real people and we're only seeing a little part of their lives through this show. 

The show is on Netflix and you peeps can watch it from the link below as well. As always, have fun and enjoy!

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