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Oh, I've been procrastinating a lot lately, and I've been watching lots of tv series and movies. And this one turned out to be a very enjoyable movie. 

First of all, this is a Spanish movie about two girls living in a Gypsy community. Carmen is set to be married to Lola's cousin, but you know how things goes. Lola and Carmen get to know more about each other and yeah, sparks fly. 

Now, what I liked most about the movie was that it ended on a happy note, which I would like for all movies with LGBT+ representation. And the second thing that was so nice about the movie, was that they showed a very real representation of coming out in a conservative society. I appreciated the creators showing such real outlooks of people with different perspectives and how they do not change those views. 

Apart from all this, I loved the acting of all the actors. So, overall, I'd rate this movie as definitely watchable. 

The link to the movie would be down below, and I'll also put the whole movie down below if you guys want to watch it right here:

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