Not a Movie 106 - THE WILDS

386 10 5

This show has great potential, in all honesty. The trailer didn't really make me interested enough to actually watch the show, lol, but its a good thing that sometimes I don't listen to my ownself because damn, this show was worth it. I'm actually glad that the trailer didn't give much away about the tv series. 

You can also assume that this is your typical 'stranded on an island with strangers' kind of show, where yes, there is drama and fighters, and all that shit. But The Wilds has a really unique aspect about it that makes it interesting as well as entertaining. First of all, the creators did an amazing job at casting because I don't think I've seen many shows where there are not one but two indigenous women, with one of them being queer. Like, I appreciate all of the representation, and I acknowledge the creators' effort in making the show relatable. I also appreciated their effort to break down female stereotypes, which I'm sure you'll notice when watching the show.

I also loved the mystery aspect of the show since it was handled very well and even at the season finale, it teased about how we(the viewers) still don't even know much. 

Also, the actresses did an impressively well job at portraying their characters so well. Like, I was emotionally invested in all the characters from the get-go. Yes, even the ones that were annoyingly positive and very extroverted. I'm looking at you there, Shelby. 0_0

Anyway, the whole premise of the show is that these 9 women are travelling to Hawaii on a charter plane, for some kind of retreat only for women. But they soon find themselves on an island stranded since the plane had crashed into the ocean. So yeah, they're stranded. 

Lol, I'm sorry, I suck at summarizing without spoiling anything. And I don't want to spoil this show for anyone because of how much I want it to be watched. Like, this show is topnotch. 

You peeps can watch it on amazon prime if you got that, and all of the broke peeps (like me) can watch it from the links down below. I hope you guys really enjoy the show as much as I did. :)

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