You're So Gay (Crobby)

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"Now looky here, I am straight ya idjits."

"Sure Bobby, so are Sam and I."

Bobby exhaled sharply and slammed the book he had been scanning. The Winchester brothers had come here for a "case", but it seemed they only came to give dating advice to the older hunter.

"Are you done, or our we gone braid Sam's hair?"

"Well, if you need any other advice give us a call, case wise: we've got all the info. Thanks again Bobby."


Farewells were exchanged and soon the rumbling of the old 67' Chevy Impala was heard from the gravel driveway. "Idjits." Bobby muttered and shuffled over to his yellowing couch, flopping on it, a squeak coming in protest from the hunter.

Bobby threw his arm over his eyes, a headache making it's presence known as a low whistle came from across the room.

"Hello Robert."


Crowley sauntered over to the desk and perched himself upon it, dangling his short legs over the edge. Bobby rolled his eyes and covered his eyes once more,

"The boys left a minute ago, ya too late."

"I am not here for thing 1 and thing 2."

"What? Having my soul a first time wouldn't enough for ya?"

"Wasn't, please use proper English."

"Get to the point ya idjit."

"I am here on friendly business, so to speak."

That's when Bobby removed his arm, his headache long forgotten as his gaze fell upon the King of Hell, who was staring at his swinging legs much like a nervous six year old. The hunter sat up, feet hitting the floor causing a creak! To arise from the floor boards,

"Tell me why where I know to kill ya or kiss ya."

Crowley looked up, and stood with little effort. He strides over to the hunter and sits next to him, smirking to himself feeling a little smug with himself he said,"it might end the way I want then." This statement caused the hunter to blush a deep red, a nervous chuckle bubbling out of his throat.

"You're kidding, I'm straight-"

And that's when Crowley kissed him. The hunter sat there dazed for minute or two before he found himself kissing back, rather enjoying the feeling of the others lips on his own.

The King of Hell was the first to pull away, earning a whine of protest to come from Bobby. That caused Crowley to chuckle deep in his chest, and the hunter to blush for what seemed the thousandth time that day.

When they both calmed down, Crowley spoke first,

"Robert, I've got three words for you."

"Yea? And what are they?"

"You're so gay."

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