Not So Mighty Archangel (Sabriel)

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Sam sat at the table in the bunkers library, his nose stuck in a book per usual as a crack of lightening followed by a boom a of thunder seemed to shake the bunker. The Youngest Winchester looked up from his book, about to go and watch some sort of news, but didn't even stand up fully when a blur tackled him to the floor, the thing quivering,

"Oh, Sammunition, it's horrible."

"What is?"

"The storm, it... it...."

"Does it... Scare you?"

Gabriel nodded against Sam's chest, the archangels legs and arms like iron bars wrapped around him, a deathly grip. Sam chuckled and placed a kiss in Gabriel's hair, rubbing soothing circles in his lower back,"Come on, I'm going to my room to watch some news. We can cuddle all you want." Sam said, trying to stand, but Gabriel only gripped on to him tighter, mumbling something incoherent. The hunter was about to ask the archangel to speak up but didn't get the chance when Gabriel snapped, they both landing on their bed.

"I could've walked ya know." Sam said, chuckling slightly. Gabriel looked up with a look of pure fear. Before he could speak to his moose, another round of thunder and lightening shook through the bunker, some pictures actually quaking with the force.

"DAMN THUNDER!" Gabriel cried and jumped under the covers at inhuman speeds.

"Why are you so scared of storms?"

"It reminds me of when I would fight, in the war, before I left. It brings back all of the bad memories and I don't like it, I know it seems childish, but it's true."

Sam nodded, standing to remove his shirts and pants when suddenly they were gone. It took a minute for the hunter to realize what had happened.

"Thanks Short Stack."

"Come and protect me."

Gabriel scooted over under the covers, now in boxers himself, holding up the covers for his moose. Sam walked over and got under the covers with his angel, arms snaking their way around the smaller mans waist, both men's legs intertwining.

"Feel better?"

"Much better."

"Now I've got to wa-"

"It's gonna storm, what else must you know? The rain drop count?"

Sam laughed and nuzzled his way into the crook of Gabriel's neck,"Maybe I do." That earned him a playful slap on the shoulder.

"Thank you Moosey."

"No problem Short Stack."

The thunder and lightening continued, but it didn't scare Gabriel, oh no, he had his big strong moose to protect him.

"Cas, your brother is such a chicken." Dean said, taking a picture for black mail later. Castiel looked over to Dean, tilting his head and cutting his eyes,"I do not think my brother is poultry Dean, rather he is scared of the storms. And don't you have a fear? Of the spide-" The Eldest Winchester kissed The Angel Of Thursday on his lips to keep him from finishing his sentence.

Castiel pulled away and grabbed his hunters hand,"Now, you and I will go and cuddle, Gabriel has his moose to protect him, I need my big strong hunter to protect me." Castiel said, sending a wink Dean's way.

Both couples cuddled through the storms, fears of the booming thunder and the cracking lightening drowned away by the love they shared.

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