Hey There Kiddo (Sabriel)

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Sam flopped onto his bed, bored, lonely, and slightly disturbed by the noises coming from the other room. He buried his head under a pillow, gagging,"UGH! WARNING NEXT TIME PLEASE?!" He cried into the pillow, sighing.

"Hey there kiddo."

Sam peaked out from under the pillow,"Can you do something about the noise please?"

Gabriel sighed and snapped, the room quiet and still. Sam smiled and sat up, feeling much better now that image was out of his head,

"What are you doing here Gabe?"

"Can I not show up when I want?"

"Well, I mean you can, but you usually don't come around unless it's a dire emergency."

Gabriel sat at the edge of the bed,"I've been having a hard time lately kiddo." The archangel looked back,"But I'm not here to cry on your shoulder and go all chick flick on you. I'm here because I wanted to see my most favorite Winchester of all time."

Sam nodded slowly, his eyes not leaving Gabriel,"Alright... Well what do you wanna do? I mean I've got Netflix, I've got pretty much everything we need right here-"

"Will you hold me?"

Sam looked over to him,"What did you say?"

Gabriel just sighed, looking down at his hands,"I asked if you could hold me." The archangel looked back up, his eyes sad.

Sam nodded, kicking off his shoes and stripping off his flannel. He laid back and opened his arms,"Come here short stuff." Gabriel didn't hesitate.

After removing his own over shirt and shoes, Gabriel went into the hunters awaiting arms, his own arms wrapping around Sam's waist in a iron grip. Sam entangled his limbs around Gabriel, his arms wrapping around his shoulders, his long legs entangling with the others shorter ones.

"Now this... Is what I call paradise kiddo."

Sam chuckled, Gabriel smiled and nuzzled into his hunters chest.

"You know Gabriel." Sam hesitated

Gabriel hummed, to exhausted to speak (he may be an archangel, but sleep is something we all need at some point) for Sam to continue,

"It could be like this all of the time. I won't have to let go, we can stay like this forever. If you want to that is."

Gabriel looked up and met Sam's stare,"There is nothing, and I mean nothing, in the whole of time and space I would want more than this moment now. And I mean that, so yes, I will stay with you like this, forever if you'd like."

Sam smiled,"I'd like that."

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