Jail Time (Wincest)

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Okay,so this is based off of episode 60, the episode name is,"Jus In Bello." Enjoy my wayward sons/daughters. Oh P.S: I have basically rewritten the whole episode, if Wincest was canon on the show and like I said this whole thing is like the original episode but I have changed up some things so hope you like! There will be time skips.

"We've got to move in and out before the bitch gets back, got it Sammy?"

"Got it."

Dean kicked the door in and stormed in the apartment, his younger brother not far behind him. The Eldest Winchester motioned for Sam to check out anything and everything as he himself checked out her dresser drawers.

"Find anything over there?"

"Nothing Dean."

"Damn, Bela must have took The Colt with her."

That's when the phone sitting on the un-made bed rang, making both hunters jump. Sam eyed the phone and looked to his brother, he shook his head as Dean approached the phone cautiously, as if it might explode at the slightest of touch. The Eldest Winchester finally picked up the phone, and listened to whoever was on the other end of the line,

"Hello Dean? Sam? Are you there?"

Both brothers rolled their eyes and Dean replied gruffly,

"Yea I'm here, where's The Colt?"

"I have it. Safe and sound away from your hands."

"What, so you can sell it off to the next highest bidder."

There was pause on Bela's end of the line, almost as if she didn't want to say the exact reason she had The Colt in the first place and why she needed it so bad, but she finally replied,

"No, not at all, way to priceless, I have other reasons that are way more important than a quick buck. I can do that any day."

"I'm coming after you and The Colt."

"You'll be quite pre-occupied."

"My schedules free, so is Sammy's."

"I took my precautions Dean."

That's when police stormed through the broken door, and began to shout,"DROP YOUR WEAPONS, HANDS ON YOUR HEAD, GET DOWN ON YOUR KNEES." Dean and Sam exchanged a look of exasperation and did as they were told.

When they were in the ground, pushed down onto their bellies by very rough handling cops, an old 'friend' came into the room,"hello boys. Finally, things are going my way huh?"

Soon, the two brothers/lovers arrived at the jail while the two FBI agents went into the police station. Sam looked at his older brother and laid his head on his shoulder,

"They really got this time, didn't they De?"

"Sure did, bad part we were trying to save their sorry asses."

"Do we ever get thanked?"

"At times. All I gotta say is they better not lay a hand on you, or you better not drop the soap around me baby boy."

Sam smacked his brothers arm and rolled his eyes as Dean laughed. The playful moment didn't last however as a the agents came back,

"Come on ladies, let's get you into your temporary home for the night."

Dean rolled his eyes and stood, Sam standing with him. The Eldest Winchester grabbed his lovers hand, jumping out of the back of the FBI van.

"Now this is something, incest? You guys are truly monsters."

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