Broken Glass (Adamandriel)

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((AU: Every human is separated into glass containers, their family being the only ones in the glass confinement. But when the children turn 16 they are dumped into another glass container (the matching center) with kids of the age, 16. When they find their 'perfect match' they are put into a glass container with their match to start a family. Adam is the last in his family to be matched, taking his mothers maidon name in fear of what his brothers had done to taint his fathers last name, he isn't ready for the matching center.
Samandriel on the other hand can't wait to get away from his overbearing father who wants him to be the perfect image of what he wants, not what Samandriel wants. This is my own idea.-SW))

Adam looked back to his mother (his father dead for years now and his brothers already found their matches), who smiled proudly down at her son,"Today is the day sweetie, the day you leave the nest." She said standing from his chair, walking over to her son hugging him tight. The boy hugged his mother even tighter, trying to indent this memory permanently into his brain, knowing when he left his home, his glass home, he'd never be able to go back. That's when the bell rang, signaling it was time to go. "I love you Adam. Don't ever forget that." Adam shook his head in understanding as he stood, grabbing the back pack full of the belongings he owned. The boy's eyes swept over the confinement one more time, the two small beds in two corners of the room and the make shift kitchen in which he had spent a many mornings with his mother. Tears in his eyes, he walked out of the glass container.

Samandriel looked up at his father, who looked very stern back at him. His brothers had matched years ago, his Eldest brother Michael matched to a boy named Lucifer, The second Eldest Gabriel matched to a boy named Sam. And then Castiel, who matched with the notorious Dean Winchester, known for breaking out of his glass cell once or twice.

"Make better choices in matching than your brothers before you Samandriel, make me proud."

"Yes sir." The boy looked down and was glad to finally hear the bell that was to set him free. Without even a second glance back he ran,with his back pack in tow, out of the glass prison.

Adam glanced around at all of the kids nervously and awkwardly as he tried to find someone he might even spark an interest. That's when the overhead speakers crackled to life,

"Hello to all of the newest generation. You are all gathered here to find your match, the one you will spend the rest of your days with. Once you choose, you can not change your partner. You and your chose will he escorted to your new home once everyone has matched. Good luck and may you all find your match. In command we trust."

"In command we trust." All of the kids echoed back to the speaker. "You may begin." The speaker said and kids began to sprint around, looking for the perfect match.

Samandriel rubbed his shoulders and began to walk in no particular direction, to be honest, he wasn't ready for the hustle and bustle of the match. What if he couldn't find that one person? Would he become an outcast like his older brother Raphael? That's when he bumped into a boy.

"I-I'm sorry." He stammered and looked up to the prettiest blue eyes he's ever seen.

Adam's breath hitched when he saw the smaller boy, and he felt an instant spark.

"There is no need to be sorry, I'm glad I actually bumped into you."

Samandriel giggled and blushed slightly. Despite the chaos around the pair, it felt as if Adam and Samandriel were in their own bubble, away from the glass prison, away from the match, away from the command.

"What's your name?"

"Adam Milligan, and you are?"

"Samandriel Novak, it is a pleasure to meet you."

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