In The Night (Samifer)

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Lucifer walked along the cold streets of Detroit, the snow quietly falling around him. The archangel took a deep breath and admired the way the cold snow felt on his skin.

But his thoughts weren't on the snow, his mind was on the youngest Winchester who was somewhere in the U.S. looking for him. Lucifer looked to the ground, sighing heavily, a sadness settling upon his shoulders.

"Why don't you just say yes?" the archangel said to the black.night sky, "Why don't you just let this world go and become one with me?" Lucifer kicked a rock on the sidewalk and walked forward into the night.

On the other side of the country, Sam Winchester typed away at his laptop, Dean snoring loudly in the other bed. The Hunter rolled his eyes and continued to type, but quickly stopped.

He felt dizzy and couldn't see straight all of a sudden, his field of vision turning black as a velvet smooth voice spoke from the darkness,


Sam shook his head, the dizziness didn't subside and the darkness grew as the darkness spoke again,

"Sammy... Sammy just give up already and say yes.."

The Hunter shook his head violently and cried out,


The voice from the darkness laughed a deep and hearty laugh,

"You cannot escape me Sammy boy.... We are one in the same person.... Two people with one mind... Just give into the darkness Sam. Do us both a favor."

The Hunter cried out again, his eyes rolling into the back of his head. He had no controll, his mind felt as if it would explode, but before it could, Sam passed out.

In Detroit, Lucifer grit his teeth in anger, his eyes red with the anger building up inside,

"Damn these faulty connections!"

He punched a brick wall, a cloud of dust blowing past him and into the night.

"One day Sammy boy..." Lucifer laughed darkly, "One day..."

((This isn't really a thing where they are together but I kind of thought this is what went on behind the scenes, What happened between the episodes. Like, comment, and vote my wayward sons and daughters!!! More chapters coming!! -GNxx))

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