Hello? (Wincest)

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"Hello? Dean? It's Sam. I was just calling to tell you... To tell you I miss you, and wish you wouldn't have made that deal. I know your gone now, and there's nothing I can do, but I can at least call you and tell you, I miss you and need you here, but I will call back later, ok? Love you De."

Sam called back the next day,

"Hello? Hey Dean. I found a hunt you might like, it's over in New Orleans, I wish you could go with me. Hunts just aren't the same with out you here. With your jokes, your music and everything you did, I don't think I will ever be able to look at the impala or a hunt the same way again. Speaking of the impala, I'm taking good care of her, so don't worry. Well, that's pretty much it for today, I will call back soon. I miss you, so much. Alright I'll go, Love you De."

"Hello? I finished that hunt. It was just a few high school junkies scaring the locals. I bet you would have taught a lesson to those kids if you were here. But you're not here, and they almost stabbed me to death. Not like I'd care, at least I'd be by your side again. But, I gotta go, these wounds aren't gonna sew themselves. Love you De."

"Hello? Dean? I haven't slept in awhile, all I can see when I close my eyes, is you. Your eyes dead, your face covered in blood. I c-can't keep doing this if that's all I see when I close my eyes. Dean! Please come back!" Sam begins to sob uncontrollably,"I love you so much De, come back to me!"

"Hello? Dean I can't get you back. No demon will make a deal with me, they laugh in my face when I ask. WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME!" Sam begins to sob once again,"You b-better be glad... I love you D-De."

"Hello? Bobby tried to give you the official hunters burial today. I wouldn't let him, so we just buried you in a pine box. The spot is peaceful, you would have liked it, all the trees and wild life, I thought it was a perfect spot. But, I don't think I can accept your truly gone. I really don't. I thought maybe that hunt I told you about would help me move on, but it made me realize. I'm lost with out you..... I better go... I love you De."

Sam repeated this every day for four months, most messages ending with the youngest Winchester sobbing, but even if he was sobbing, every message ended with,"I love you De."

One day, maybe around the fourth month of Dean being gone and in the depths of hell, he got a call from Dean's old number. Sam picked up on the first ring,




"Yea, I got out."

"It can't be... This is a cruel joke..."

"No it isn't, I'm fine. All in one piece."

Sam begins to sob,"This isn't funny, whoever this is, just know you are crushing my heart."

The person on the other could be heard chocking back his own tears,"S-Sammy look outside."

Sam looked out of the hotel window and saw Dean, standing there by the impala, just as handsome as ever. Sam sobbed more,


"Yes Sammy?"

"I love you, and have missed you so much."

"I love you too baby boy, now come down here and give a man a hug."

Sam hung up his phone, throwing it in his room somewhere, running out of his room, down the stairs, and into the parking lot. There, in front of him, Dean stood proud and tall.

The Eldest Winchester spotted him and smiled, tears pouring down his face, his arms wide open. Sam ran into those open arms, hugging Dean close, trying to make sure this was truly reality.


"Yea, it's me Sammy."

"I've missed you."

"I've missed you too."

Sam cried, holding his brother close, not intending to let him go. Dean finally looked up at his younger brother,

"I heard all your messages."

"Y-You did?"

Dean nodded, running a hand through Sam's hair to try and comfort him,

"And I want you to know I will not leave you. Not like I did, we will be stuck like glue, no one will separate us ever again, you hear? I'm here to stay baby boy."

Sam kissed his forehead and hugged him close, leaning down to whisper in his ear,"That's all I ever wanted."

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