8. What is your Name?

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It appeared as if I became visible overnight.

From the moment I woke up, I had servants and courtiers tending to my every need. Zepor was there leading me to my day classes on etiquette and speech.

"Princess Ima" the servants greeted me. They smile and bow but I wave them away to stand. I was nothing more than a hoax.

"Tonight's banquet is most crucial." Zepor starts as she begins untangling my curls. "You eat after the king has taken his first bite and after the prince but not before the queen. Understand"

"Of course!" I answer enthusiastically.
Zepor furrowed her brow, catching onto my sarcasm. It only took a day for her to get used to it.
She continues with more rules and customs for the night but I stop her when I hear the sound of sultry giggles from beyond my balcony.

"What's that?" I ask.

"I don't hear a thing" Zepor waves me away.

There it was again! That obnoxious giggle? It was coming from the balcony.

I tiptoe to hide behind the curtains and see the prince from the colosseum and a red-headed girl. She was a pretty thing to look at but seemed a bit daft due to her excessive giggles.

Theo was kissing her cheek, whispering sweet nothings into her ears. She giggles again and looks at him with love.

"He doesn't love her" Zepor tries to reassure me as she crouches beside me.

"It looks like he does," I say truthfully. I tell Zepor to quiet as I open thé window too hear them speak.

"I see you still have the ring. I thought you were engaged?" The red head girl says. His words hesitate.
"I cannot stand here insulted! As you go to marry her."

"Ocelia....don't start this again" he says annoyingly, rolling his eyes to the sky.

"Princess, we really should refrain from spying"Zepor warns me.

"You're right Zepor! It's not right to spy" I chuckle, gathering my dress and charging forward to show myself to the both of them but Zepor holds me back.

"No. Let him see you at the banquet. Tonight" she pleads. She looked as if she knew what she was doing so I nod. I would trust her for now.



It was the night of the banquet. What banquet you may be asking? Well, you tell me.
My mother and father had thrown an impromptu one in the main hall for reasons unbeknownst to me, then again, no reason was needed to hold a banquets in the great kingdom of Cendonia.

Another mundane banquet would greeted me tonight. I wished to be in Celia's comforting arms or even racing against the horizon on my trusty steed but alas.

Another woman from the group of patrons vies for my attention. Each lady began shoving and pushing one another, hoping for a chance of taking my arm. A small red head seemed to break from the group and finally claim her fate, looping her arm through mine.

"Dreadful." I mutter to myself.

"Pardon?" Thé girl I am dancing with girl ask, tighten her grip on my arm.

"Oh...nothing" I mutter, staring past her to the distance. I hadn't realized I had said it aloud.

I wondered if I could sleep while dancing at the same time? The climax of the song reaches my ears and excitement fills me.
Good. I was almost done.

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