6. Forced Engagement

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The sun had just risen over the castle walls as we made our way towards the palace. They carried me on horseback to the palace of the king. I felt a stab of hatred as we moved on from the chaotic city streets crowded with sellers, fabric shops, and beggars to the peaceful refinement of high society. The gaps in disparity were apparent and the king did nothing to solve it. Finally, we arrive and the ten guards escorted me through the gates.

I had never been to a place so grand and beautiful. The marble floors shone like diamonds, and the walls were covered in intricate paintings and tapestries. I felt like I was in a dream.

As I entered, I saw the king seated on his throne, his crown glinting in the morning light. I had heard stories of his power and wealth, but seeing him in person was something entirely different. The head guard grabbed my arm, forcing me to walk beside him before presenting me to the king. He took in my features cautiously.

"Your Majesty," I said, bowing low in respect. I cringed as the title escaped from my lips. He looks me over and nods, signaling the guard at my side to leave.

The king looked down at me, his expression unreadable. "Ima," he said, his voice deep and commanding. "Please, rise."

I stood up straight, my eyes fixed on the king's face. He was, even more, imposing up close, with broad shoulders and a regal bearing that commanded attention. I had been summoned by the king but the context of our meeting was unknown to me.

"Ima, your name was?" He asks.

I took a deep breath, trying to compose myself. "I am she"

The king leaned forward slightly, his gaze piercing. "You have the right countenance. Distinct features. Easy on the eyes. Defiant."

"What is the intent of this meeting?" I say, trying to sound confident despite my nerves. The king nodded slowly, stroking his beard thoughtfully.

"I admire your spirit, Ima," he said, his tone softer now. "You left a distasteful spirit with my son"

"Oh, the prince?" I giggle remembering the spit on his hand. "I hope it didn't sting like venom"

The king tries to hide his smile. "I will be frank with you Ima. My son is at the age to take the throne but I do not believe he is ready." This time his voice softened. "I made a bet with my son. A challenge."


"That I could bring a woman of any status, beggar, whore, seller, and turn her into a lady. Prince Theo has a biased view of only dating women of...noble status."

I had a sinking feeling in her stomach, as they looked serious and worried. "If my son can prove to me that he can fall in love with the woman I chose, marry her, and give her his sacred ring, he can have the throne."

"It seems as if you set a lot of parameters for a throne you will never give up" There was vitriol in my tone. The king sat back on his throne, his eyes still fixed on me.

"You will be a fitting bride. You are everything Theo hates in a woman."

"That was an insulting thing to say." I frown. What a brash king.

"You will excuse my brashness. I did not mean to offend but I refuse to let my kingdom fall due to the indifference of my son."

"But does he desire the throne?" I ask.

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