20. Tonight

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Why did I kiss her again?!

I storm into my room, taking my iron shield and throwing it to the floor. It made a loud clang before it fell tit he floor.

My thoughts consume me as I think back to Ima and our last night. I felt my inhibitions dwindling when I was with her.

I know I shouldn't be feeling this way. It hadn't even been 10 days and I was starting to feel something for Ima. Love? No...
Interest? Maybe.

But Ima was a gladitrix!
She was off-limits! Especially with her status. But I couldn't help it. Every time I saw her, my heart raced and my mind was consumed by thoughts of her.

My kingdom would never deem me a worthy king if I pursued her. Society would frown upon us. But how can something that feels so right be so wrong?

I try to push these feelings aside, to focus on other things, but it was impossible. She was always there, in the back of my mind, taunting me with her beauty and her grace.

It was only supposed to be marriage of convenience.
I only wanted the throne... but Ima.
What did she did want? Freedom?
Was there more?
What did I want?

I promised Ocelia it wouldn't go this far.
Ocelia...I hadn't seen her since. I was too busy with Ima.

No. I had to distance myself from Ima. My heart couldn't take another heartbreak.
I was prince of Arcedia.
I promised after Ocelia I would close my heart to love and I intended to keep my promise.

I would remind Ima of our contract tomorrow.
My only interest was to ascend to the throne. My father would grant her freedom and we would walk our separate ways.

We must



I hastily retreat to my room and close the door behind me. So he didn't forget the kiss?
But what were we? I mean kissing in the moonlight and again in the compound? We were never supposed to go this far.

I blushed as I sat in front of the mirror and see m'y swollen lips.
Theo really knew how to kiss...

"Ima what is wrong with you!" I scream into my pillow, burying my head into the bed. What was this man doing to me?!!

"You think you're so clever, don't you" I turn and see Ocelia. Her stuffy voice should have clued me in. She stepped from the dark corner of my room and smirks. "You like him don't you" she smiles suspiciously.

"Get out my room." I say, moving again to sit in front of the mirror.

"Your lips are swollen" she sings.

"I guess they are" I shrug smugly. She knew they were swollen because of Theo.

"Mmm... he's a good kisser, isn't he?" She plays with the ends of my pillow.

"A skilled one at that too" I bragged looking at the mirror at my bruises that trailed my neck.
It's a bother Theo went that low." I curse purposely pointing at them.

She invites herself to sit in my bed and watches me. "An overnight trip! Out the palace no better. The king wouldn't like that" She or entends to tsk. How she found out was beyond me.

"And how do you know what the king wouldn't like"

"Well the king is very protective of Theo. He is the future of Arcedia" she brags, already envisioning himself ruling at his side.

She stands purposely, walking over to face me. "Theo will be in my bed tonight. Maybe I should go to him?"

"I will not ask him to choose nor will I loose sleep."

"But he has already chosen silly girl.
He doesn't love you
He's infatuated with you"

"Infatuated? A bit poetic" I giggle.

"You are nothing but a marriage of convenience!
A pretty thing to pass the time" she fumes.

"You're right
It's convenient for both of us. Me, for my freedom and him for?? Hmm well, I guess he finally gets to  kiss a pretty girl"

She fumed before standing up.

"But why are you here"

"To warn you"

"Warn me? About what?" I roll my eyes, annoyed by any advice she had to say.

"Enjoy it while it lasts.
Theo is a fine specimen but he grows tired and moves on. I'm suprised he hasn't tired of you yet" she shrugs, looking at her nails with intrigue.
"We'll goodbye. I can assure you tonight he'll be in my bed" she brags so comfortably.

"I don't doubt it.
A single kiss cannot change that." I felt sad saying it aloud, but it was true. "Enjoy"

"I will. Let me go get ready."

But as I saw her leave, with her overly confident, smug smile, I was enraged.
I wasn't jelous per say.
I was mad at the opportunity that I would never have to avoid her.

I was competitive and I did what I needed to do.
I didn't care if it was petty or not.
I just had to see Theo tonight.


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