21. Rain

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Sorry about that but eveything is updated! I added two new chapters if you guys want to read it. (Chapter 5 and 6)

The book will continue as normal and this is the latest update! 

Also it's Ocelia! Idk why I changed it to Ophelia mid  book 💀


Thunder rolls in the distance as the rain falls down from the clouds.



Ocelia would visit Theo at 9pm. If I timed it precisely, she would walk into Theo's and I heated embrace.

My dress was almost see through. I might as well have been naked. My curly hair was drenched and tousled to the side.I had to make sure to get soaked enough in the rain to be believable. I had a story for Theo already planned. All that was left was venturing into his room.

Was it pathetic of me to venture to his room just to stop his meeting with Ocelia? Maybe he wasn't planning to see her? But I couldn't read his mind and I knew Theo, he would never turn her away.

I needed to get my story straight. "It was raining and —" no that was too needy.

"The thunder scared me!" No that was way too dramatic. Theo would never believe I was scared of Thunder. I killed lions for fun.

I walk to Theo's room with a candle in my hand, a trail of rain marked the floor behind me. I was almost there.
I must get my story straight.

Before I could walk in, he bumps into me.
"Ima" he was taken aback, staring at me. Was he going to Ocelia's room?

I made sure the light illuminated my figure.
"What are you doing here? You're soaking wet!"  His eyes lingered on my body before he snapped back.

Good, that trick seemed to work.

"I just...  was ... " I didn't know what to say.
"I couldn't sleep.." I blurted. It was the only thing that came to mind. He grabs my wrist impatiently and pulls me through the hallways, leading me to his room inside and before closing the door behind me.

"Are you crazy Ima!"

Wait...was he mad at me?

"What did I do?" I ask through a confused frown.

"You can't walk around the palace like that" he points at me. He takes a blanket from his bed and covers me.

"Like what!" I fume wrapping it around me. It was late into the night. No one saw me. I don't think so?

"You know exactly how you are dressed!" He fumed, "You have a repution to uphold as princess to the kingdom"

My heart drops as I hear his reasoning. He didn't even care that I was soaked. "That's all you care about don't you.
Your reputation?"

"Did I not give you a blanket?" He says impatiently.

I remain quiet and look to the floor.

"No Ima...that's not what I meant. I do care...about your well-being despite what you may assume. Sometimes... you just make me upset" He looks at me and I at him.

It was reassuring because I knew he was angry because he cared.  I could feel his body heat behind me as he goes to the fireplace to start it.

"What were you doing waking around in the rain?"  He whispers, throwing a few logs into the fire. He refuses to meet my eyes.

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