16. Ambush

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I snuck out again, annoyed at his unwavering devotion to his beloved Ocelia.

I didn't care if he chased me or sent the guards, I needed a chance to breathe and escape a life that I was forcefully thrown into.

Theo would frustrate me until I willing gave up the bet. He would win and where would that leave me?

My mind wondered about until I hear the heavy footsteps of a man and frown.

"Theo, I told you not to follow me—" my words falter as I turn around and see three unfamiliar men in the shadows.

They watch me suspiciously as I glare at them. I had taken down lions bigger than them, but three men?
Even I knew my battles.
And I didn't even bring my dagger.

My feet dash for survival but to my dismay, I hear their footsteps behind me.

I try taking in the outskirts of the city environment but it was late at night. I could barely see a thing.

I curve around a corner and down a path but the men are two steps ahead of me. They finally catch up with me. One tall man blocks my exit while the other closes in.

"I don't want any trouble." My voice was astute.
The three of them chuckled, circling around me.
One man grabbed my wrist pulling me into his arms.

"My. M'y My.What have we got here?" The tallest man who had short brown hair lifted my gold bracelet and smiled.

Curses! I should have taken it off. I had been upset at Theo, I had forgotten I was now a princess, or at least made to look one.

"Take it." I whisper, staring into his dark brown eyes. They looked so evil.

"That willing to give it away? You must have more."the one holding my wrist says.

"Gold is not easy to come by." The other one sings.

"It's all I have" I say truthfully. "Now if you'll let me be on my way" I walk forward to begin my departure.

"Aw aw aw! don't be so curt!!" He laughs menacingly.
The other two follow with their own laughs before silencing.

"Oh! You're scared?" He frowns, taken aback at my growing suspicions. "Three men and one woman? That's an unfair and compromising outlook. We just wanted to ask where you got your pretty little cloak." He snatches it off my neck.

I had no interest in delaying my departure. I needed to get out of here.

I step on his foot and his hand loosens around my wrist, letting me free. I finally had a chance to run away but another man grabs me from behind, pinning me against the wall.

"Let go." I grumble, trying to kick him in his most intimate parts, but the other two grab my legs.

"Helpffff!!!" they muffle my screams, surveying the scene to make sure the coast was clear.  Before the leader could unbutton his pants, I hear the slice of a sword shrinking through his neck

I stand in shock, my mouth agape as I watch him drop to the floor.

The other two men turn around, shocked at the swiftnesses of the attack.

"Hey! Hey!" They scream taking out their own swords and swiping into the darkness. but before the could contemplate, the sword swipes through their hearts and they were instantly killed.

"Oh...my... gosh" my words falter as I see the sharp end of the bloody sword. I follow it's trail until I meet Theo's eyes.

He stormed up to where I was pressed against the wall.

"Are you crazy?" He curses, his eyes scanning my features like an ancient book.
The way he just killed three men was t lost on me.

My tongue was locked.

"Are you mute too?" He says impatiently, grabbing my shoulders.

"We're you following me?" I accused. It were the only words that could come out.

"You think sneaking to the outskirts of town with a cloak made of silk is sane?!" He yells, snatching my cloak from the floor and pulling it over my head.

"I asked you a question Theo. We're you following me?" I fume, lifting my head up to size him up.

"Yes. And You're lucky I was!" He says, coming even closer, staring me down.

I was silent.
We were close now. Invasively close.
Closer than before.

He stared into my eyes, his sword still drawn. I didn't know what we were about to do, but my eyes shot down and I see blood filling his shirt and panic.

"You're bleeding." I reach out to touch his stomach.
He retracts away and pushes past me.

"I'm fine." He curses. "Let's go." He looks at net before turning around to face his horse.
I guess he had brought it searching for me.

"Theo." I whisper, holding the front if his chest. I could see the environment i was in now that my eyes adjusted to the light.
I needed to take him to get help. He would bleed to death. I couldn't let him sue knowing he was trying to save me.

He helped me mount the horse first before climbing behind me. I would have to go to the gladitrix compound and fast!


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