22. Jealous

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"Theo! Theo!
Let me rrfff through!" I hear Celia struggling to get through the guards stationed at the door.

The guards let her slip through their arms and she runs to meet us.

"Theo!" Ocelia gasps as she sees us. Theo snaps away as he hears her. We were in a more than compromising position.

"Ocean! What a pleasant surprise." I smile, quickly dismissing her and grabbing Theo's jaw to continue kissing again.

Theo was too ensnared by my charms to understand her angst.

"Theo!!" Ocelia snaps again, this time hitting him on the shoulder.

"Oh.. right" he looks at me regretfully but gently leads me away. I smile as I watch Ocelia fume with envy.

"Your cheeks are rosy. Are you okay?" I pretend to express fake concern.

"What happened to goodnight? And I am going to sleep?"

"Is it a crime to venture here in the darkest hours of the night?"

"Yes! It is" Ocelia charges, stepping close to me.

"Why? I mean Theo and I are practically married." I say the title purposely which made her fume. "I have committed no crime. I guess you will tell the king and he will arrest me for seeing my fiancé"

"When will you wake up you foolish, delusional girl? It's a sham!"
"Ocelia." Theo warns her to behave.

"Everyone knows it's a sham!
Theo knows.
I know.
The king as queen knows" she smiles, sizing me up with hostility.

"Do you" She spat, watching my features condescendingly.

I wasn't offended she said it, I was more upset that I let myself believe it. 
Of course, I knew it was a sham... but with all Theo's kissing and our distant glances, maybe a part of me didn't want it to be.

I gather the robes that Theo gave me to dry in before turning to run out the door.

"Ima! Ima wait!" Theo runs after me but I am too fast and slip away.


I devote myself to running after her. Ocelia was a boorish woman. I had been a constant witness to her vile exchanges but Ima should have been off-limits to her. She had no right to disrespect her.

"You should go back to your palace whore Theo" She snaps, still pacing through the hallways to get to her quarters.

"Ima...please, can we just talk"

"I don't know why, but she has some weird obsession with you and you can't see it."

"She doesn't"

"She does! Wake up Theo" she snaps, staring into the distance as she paces through the hallways. She turns another corner nearing her room.

"I was the victor in this scenario and it made her rage."


"Victor...?" He says looking down before putting two and two together.

"Wait... was all this to avert me from seeing Ocelia?"

"What??" I pretend to act shocked at the accusation.

"You caught me right before I was..." Theo smiles and crosses his arms over his chest. "You knew I was going to her"

I stop in my tracks turning to face him.
"No theo! I didn't even know ... I was..I mean I was coming anyways"

He laughs and shakes his head.  "You're jealous"

"Me? Jelous of her? And what is the prize? You" I laughed. "You are a pompous
Inconvenient man! Your irredeemable mess
A snooty, spoiled, conceited, prince."

"I see" he shrugs, amused by my attempt to defend my honor.

"In fact I'll call her right now and you two can continue in whatever it is you do"

"Would you Ima?" He pats my cheek affectionately.

"Of course. It would be my pleasure your majesty" I pretend to curtesy. He waits for me to venture to call her and I go, but stop at the middle of the hallway.

"I forgot where your room is"

He smirks and walks over, towering over me. "You know, I thought you didn't have emotions like jealousy or pride. You hide behind this mask of calm and distance but at the end of the day you're a woman like all the rest of them"

"What an inaccurate read you have of me. You don't know me at all prince" I whisper, tilting my head back with a smile.

He traps me against the wall and watches me before staring at my lips.

"You have nothing to be jealous of. She's in my room yet I came here...to you."

My cheeks turned hot from his words.

"You're right, I don't know you, but what I do know is that jealously looks fucking good on you" He pulls my lips into his and shuts me up by kissing them.

He grabbed me and gripping my neck in his palm before pushing me against the wall. He pulls up the rest of my green blouse, pressing his lips against my body devotedly.

I knew I was supposed to be mad at him, but I allowed him.

Over my chest he went, marking me with a heated intensity before he dropped to his knees, forcing my legs open before consuming my throbbing heat.

"Theo" I moan, begging him to continue. My noises were wreck less.
Theo was making me curse his name like a prayer and I hated him for it.

I could see the shadow of Ocelia in the distance of the illuminated hallway. She fumes as she sees our shadows in the distance.

Our eyes meet and I smile, purposely moaning and cursing, grabbing a bundle of his curls until he finishes. He drinks my nectar selfishly and moves up my body passionately.

Ocelia remained stagnant in her spot, staring at the man who she once believed was her everything. A pang of guilt cloaked me as she watched in the shadows.

"Theo" I whisper, trying to guide him away. He finishes and holds my neck with care, staring at me with...adoration...?? Love??

"I...I" I couldn't speak. I couldn't think....

I saw the look he gave me and I panic.
I didn't love him. Surely he couldn't love me?
Maybe I was misreading the whole thing?

"I ... have to go" I whisper, breaking away from him and running away to get some air.

Author Note:

Thank you so much for tuning in and reading. But readers? I need your help. 🥺
Please COMMENT (yes you silent readers too 💀):

What is the WORST possible thing Ima can say or do to Theo that will make him turn cold towards her?
(Besides the "I don't love you!" Trope)

Remember they both know of the plan. It is not a secret.

Thanks for any ideas :)

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