35) Call off the wedding

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"What did you do?" My father storms in as I hit the guard with my sword. Training in the moonlight was the only thing that could take my mind of Ima.

"Me? Not a thing" I scoff, punching the guard near his throat. I was at the palace arena, sparing with whoever was brave enough to stand before me.

"And Asim?" My father said rather too impatiently.

"His head would be on a platter if not for the trade deal you implemented with his kingdom"

"He asked me for Ima's hand and I said yes
It's not like you love her" he scoffs, meeting my eyes as I paused my blow.

I was quiet.

The laugh he let out quickly turns into a scoff.
"Don't tell me you're in love with that poor, unkept,—"

"Enough!" His words of distaste would do nothing to dissuade me.

"Did you call off the wedding yet?" He smirks.

"No" I sighed, punching the chest of the guard I was sparring with.

"What do you mean no" my father seethed, rather too impatiently for my taste.

"Decree it. Give me the throne, tonight"I challenge him.

My father looked enraged as the words came out my mouth. My father was a proud man, but a man who moved in haste, he was not.

"Theo... it is not as easy—"

"Enough!" I yelled, interrupting his pathetic speech of explanation, "I'm tired of your incessant side quests and decrees. Give me the throne now." I snapped and Levit came with the scroll I had the advisors prepare for the bequeathing of the throne. I unroll it carefully and shove it against his chest.
"Sign it and I'll call off the wedding.

"Theo you can't expect your dearest father to go back in his plan! The plan was to marry a woman I chose"

"And I have done that. The wedding is tomorrow" I defended.

"For year, then the throne will be yours"

"Plans changed. It seems as if the parameters changed. According to Ima"

"What did she tell you!" He smirks holding his hands up innocently. Ima had alluded enough that I could take the hints. My father would never give me the throne whether I stay married to her for a year or a day.

"Isn't this what you wished for father? Marry a commoner? I fulfilled my part of the bet?"

He was mute. I knew he wanted me to call it off, especially with how hastily he promised Ima's hand to Akim, but I wouldn't abide what he wanted. It was time I listened to my own heart.

"I'm not calling off the wedding. It's tomorrow" I snap impatiently, grabbing a towel at the side of the dune to wipe my brow. I would be a fool if I called it off and an even bigger one of allowed Akim to take Ima away. "Invitations have been sent the people have traveled from across the land."

"A wedding can still be had! Between Akim and Ima?"my father interjected

"And where does that leave me? And my throne?" I would never allow him to have her. Call me possessive, but Ima was mine.

"I will pick a better woman, of my choice! A nobler women! You have proved you will do anything for throne!"

"No" I say, walking away to shower.


"Another rule will come. Then another decree. I am tired of it father. I want the throne. A year I will stay married and then? The throne is mine. I will take it from your grip whether you yield it willingly or I take it by force"

My father was at a loss of words as he heard my threats. He couldn't understand why I was holding onto this insignificant girl.

But Ima was more than that to me and I would curse the day I let anyone take her away from me.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2023 ⏰

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