27. Blush

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I ran into the ceremony room and met the eyes of fifty people, all staring at me. Each pupil watched me curiously as I pathetically came into the ceremony hall and bowed at my fathers feet.

Disgrace and dismay painted my fathers features. My mother looked at me quite amused but she had to hide her smile.

My father signaled me to rise and leave. Instead of taking my seat beside him, I instead took my leave.

My father thought it was pointless for me to stay. The ceremony was practically over.

The ceremony was halfway done. I had told Asim not to tag along or he would get the glare of my father.

A few dances and

My father gets up and refused to face me, dissatisfied again with how I did things.
I would never be enough for him.


The next day

My father look cold yet authoritative sitting atop his grand throne.
"Prince Theo" his expression was stern. I bow at my fathers feet as he stares me down, disappointment etched on his face.

"Must you refer to me as Prince?"I reminded him mockingly.

"It seems necessary to remind you lest you forget" he answers without missing a beat. I bite my tongue so I wouldn't return his quip.
Now. I Would wait for his verbal blows.

His words grew louder and louder.


"SILENCE" his voice boomed through the walls of the room:

"I am tired of your lack of regard for the throne and the duties your title entails."

"My lack of regard stems from delay"
It was true. My father had been prolonging my assertion to the throne for years: what motivation was there for me with no promise of a title.

"We need to have a serious discussion about your conduct as a prince. Your disregard for your duties is a cause for great concern."

I shift impatiently, avoiding his gaze. He didn't acknowledge my words nor my feelings; he never did but what else was new. This was just another one of his shouting matches.

"Where were you?" My father's 's voice grows firmer, his frustration evident.


"Doing what?"

I smirk and tilt my head to the side. Did he really want me to say what I was preoccupied with.
"Just occupied"

My father fumes as he sees the smugness on my smile. It wasn't the first time my philandering ways were in the way.

"Exploring your interests is one thing, Theo, but neglecting your responsibilities as the prince is quite another. Your position carries weight and influence, and you have a duty to our people to me."

"I've been impatient with the pressure and expectations that come with being the prince. All the weight is in my shoulders yet no advancement to throne is evident.
You say train and I'll give you the throne. I do that and more.
You say be engaged. I am engaged.
You say marry.
I'm marrying the woman you chose for me against my will.
What happens after that? Another added rule?"

He leans back and pushes a palm to his jaw.
"Eveything I do, is to prepare you Theo"

"For a throne that will never be mine"

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