19. Am I Dreaming?

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I know what you're thinking, but no, nothing happened.

After Hera left we decided to get some rest. I went in another room and Theo stayed in my own room and that was that.

We woke up at dawn the next day and ventured back to the palace. Theo leads me home on horseback. Although it was dawn there were still some storm clouds.
It was awkward... I didn't wish it to be but maybe we had shown affection prematurely?

As we ride together on the horse, back to the palace, with him steering and guiding us, I feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. I trust him, but I'm not used to being so vulnerable and letting someone else take control. I was a gladiatrix for rah' sake!

As we pick up the pace, the wind rushing past us, I can't help but feel a rush of adrenaline and a sense of exhilaration. I'm holding onto him tightly, feeling his strength and stability as we gallop across the open desert.

I can feel his warmth and strength through the fabric of his loose blouse as we move together in perfect harmony. It's as if we're one, moving together in a graceful dance. I never knew that riding a horse could feel so intimate and intense.

I glance up at him, blushing at our closeness. His strong features and handsome profiles looks made my heart skip a beat.

I wonder what he was thinking, if he feels the same way I do. It was Theo... he would probably write it off as nothing but a ride back to the palace.

I try to focus on the ride, the horse's movement, and the beautiful scenery around us. But Theo's muscular torso was distracting me.

As we slow down to the gates of the palace, he turns to me. "We're here" he says, his voice deep and reassuring. Maybe I was imagining it, but I thought I heard a tone of dismay?

I can feel the heat rising in my cheeks as he stares me down.

"Oh" I say, nodding with acknowledgement. As we ride back to the stable, I can't help but feel a sense of sadness. Maybe things wouldn't change between us.
I mean? I didn't want it to change.

I was here in a mission. A bet.
I wasn't supposed to be catching feelings for him.


We said nothing as he passed the horses to the stable hands. The sun was beginning to rise, casting a warm golden light over everything, including Theo.

Why did he look so good.

He walked in front of me, guiding me through the palace as I walked behind him. His pace was so purposeful and assured. I try to keep up in good pace.

I rub my lips cautiously as I stare into the sun, thinking of our night.
We didn't say a thing. It was so strange.
He was pretending as if nothing happened.
Was he that embarrassed....

He drops me off at my room and whispers something I couldn't hear before he went his separate ways.

I guess that was the end of that. I push my palm against the door handle, eager to enter in but I hear my name from behind me.

"Ima" Theo says. I turn around to face him. He is still locked in his spot as he rubs the back of his neck and stares at the ground.

"Yes?" I try to sound calm.

He walks toward me and grabs my waist, pulling me in with a fervent impatience.
And then, he kisses me!

He was a good kisser.
A great one actually.
I hated him for it.
I was too addicted to them. Skillfully, he separated and scans my features.

"What's was that one for?" I whispered, staring at the cusp of his lips.

"I needed to make sure... I wasn't t dreaming last night.
I'm not dreaming... am I?" His palm tightened against my waist.

"No" I whisper against his lips. "You're not."
He reluctantly lets me go then charges away.

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