13. A Fool

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The loud cheers of the crowd filled the stadium seats as the night air breezes through the colleseum. The sand was hot and the air was thick with tension as I prepared to face a lion in the Colosseum.

The crowd roared as the gate to the lion's den was opened and the beast emerged, snarling and ready to attack.

I stepped forward, my sword at the ready. But before I could begin I was distracted by the loud murmurs of the crowd.

Prince Theo!
The prince came!
What an unexpected surprise!!

I craned my neck upwards and see the figure of the Prince in the distance. So he had followed me!! Anger consumed me as I saw him smirk.

"Are you ready for this?" His eyes said.  It was as if he was challenging me.

"As ready as I'll ever be," my eyes screamed back. I quickly refocused my eyes on the lion. The lion charged at me, its jaws snapping. I leapt out of the way, narrowly avoiding being bitten. I swung my sword at the lion, but it only grazed the animal's thick fur.

I lunged forward and thrust his sword towards the lion's chest. The lion roared in pain and rage, but it wasn't enough to stop its momentum.

I cursed, rolling to the dirt to avoid its claws. It swiped, knocking me to the ground.

The lion was quick but I was quicker. It pounced, eager to attack but I flipped back, maneuvering in a quick spin before I plunged his sword into the lion's back. The animal let out a final, guttural roar before collapsing to the ground.

The crowd erupted in cheers as they saw the defeat. I had emerged victorious.

"Great job Ima!" Hera screams and slaps my shoulders before running to preform her own show. I wish her good luck before walking lower into the stairs of the basement.

Before I could wipe off the blood from my chest I see Theo standing in the doorway. I almost didn't recognize him. He was dressed in dark robes and his face was covered.

"Want to explain why you snuck out?" He fumed.

"I rather not" I whisper. I could feel his glare as the room stayed quiet.

He took a dark cloak from the wooden chest and threw it into my body.
"Wear this.
We're going back. NOW!" He ruffed.

He started to walk outside so I could change but my voice stops him in his tracks.

"I don't know why I snuck out. I'm just rebellious okay!
I have been fighting all my life...and when someone tells me not to do something, I do it.."

He doesn't meet my eye. "This is the last time you'll ever step foot in here again."

I remain quiet.

"I'll be outside" he says in an impatient tone before storming up the stairs.



A fool. I must be a fool.

I stood on the edge of my balcony, watching as the smoke and dust cleared from the battle. My heart was pounding in my chest, and my hands were shaking. I couldn't believe that I had to watch Ima as she battled for her life.

I watched as she charged towards the lion, her sword held high. She was strong and fearless, a true warrior. I was proud of her, yes as much as I hated to admit it, but couldn't shake the feeling of fear and anxiety that gripped me.

As the battle raged on, I paced back and forth, my mind consumed by worry. I knew that Ima was skilled, but I also knew that events like these were unpredictable. Anything could happen, and I didn't want to lose her.

A fool!
You've only known her for a day and a half? Less than that! So why did my heart beat like the drills of a drum?
Lose her?
Theo listen to yourself!
You don't know her enough to lose her!

"What are you doing here?" a voice asked from behind me. I hadn't realized I had walked all the way to the lower level of the colosseum. I suppose my mind had drifted so far off.

I turned to see Ima's blonde haired friend standing behind me. I remembered her from the first night I met her.

"You couldn't stay away," she said, her voice prideful. I remain quiet, turning my head as I heard the visceral reactions of the crowds.
"I understand," the woman said, placing a hand on my shoulder. "She's a fighter, a true warrior. She knows what she's doing."

"I know," I said, running a hand through my brown hair. I watched as Ima fought on, her sword flashing in the moonlight. As the battle came to an end, I watched as Ima emerged from the smoke and dust, victorious.

She was bruised and bloody, but she was alive and for that I was thankful. She saw me standing on the edge of the basement and frowned. Her friend slapped her shoulder, whispered a few parting words before leaving us alone.

"Want to explain why you snuck out?"my voice was harsher than I intended it to be.

"I rather not" she whispers. The room stayed quiet.

I took a dark cloak from the wooden chest beside me and threw it at her.

We needed to get out of here, fast; lest we be followed.

"Wear this. We're going back. NOW!" I grumbled, turning to walk outside but her words stops me in my tracks.

"I don't know why?
I'm just rebellious okay!
I have been fighting all my life...and when someone tells me not to do something, I do it.."

I don't meet her eye. The sight of blood splattered across her body was enough to make me go insane.

How I wanted to hold her.
To bring her near me.
To touch her as proof. I needed to make sure she was real.
"This is the last time you'll ever step foot in here again."

She remains quiet.

"I'll be outside" I say in an impatient tone before storming up the stairs. I had never been so scared in my life, but seeing her alive made me feel sane.

A fool.

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