30. A New Perspective

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His guard stands tall before us.
Great. The crowd surrounds the commotion.

"That is the reigning prince of Macedonia. I suggest you remove your hand from your hidden dagger before I cut it off" Levit warns the shopkeeper on the floor. He does, but still remains stagnant. He knew he was in the presence of royalty.

"Levit" Theo whispers beneath a realized breath. The guards green eyes glared into mine. He looked stern which made me my own flush with guilt.

"What do you think you're doing out here at this time of night?" His guard fumes. His tone was a little too harsh for my liking but I said nothing. I knew Theo was already in enough trouble.

I only lower my gaze to the ground.

"I didn't think I had to tell you everywhere I went" Theo scoffs.

"Your father is WORRIED! Imagine a natural born prince venturing into a place like this" Levit looks around with evident disgust.

"Is this not Macedonia Levit?" Theo charges back which took me by surprise. Just a few weeks ago, Theo did not have these beliefs. He had a less than favorable view of us..commoners.

"We didn't mean to Levit. Time got to us and... I just thought it would be an adventure." My voice stutters before halting. Levit looks at me cautiously. Maybe I was crazy, but I thought I saw his eyes soften?

Levit sighs, his stern expression softening. He walks closer to us and watches me, the concern evident in his eyes.

"Let's go back." He warns us, pushing his horse to me.

"But my horse is tied back at the stables" I start to explain.

"Theo and I will get it. You head back" Levit warns.
I look at Theo and he nodded, urging me to listen. I mount the horse and look to the people in the crowd before kicking the horse into a trollop.


I made sure to take my time as I rode back to the palace. I had no desire to face the king alone.
Before I reached the gates, I heard the loud gallops of a horse behind me.
Who could that be? I look behind me and see Theo.

But I thought he would be a while?

He stops his horse beside me and stares at the guards at the gates.

"Prince Theo..." they whisper and bow before opene the gates. We lead our horses to the courtyard before hopping off.

I see the figure of his father in the height of the palace. So he knew we were gone.
Who else knew?

"Theo...I'm sorry. Your father."

"Forget about it Ima.
I'll deal with it...him"

"How?" I snap back, annoyed at his calmness. Although he would get a stern talking to, I was in far more trouble.

"Ill take care of it" he grabs my jaw to reassure me.
I smile, blushing at his change of character. Theo had surprised me today in more ways than one. He was thoughtful, kind, open to learn. I wondered what  changed him?

The sun begins to set in the distance as he stares at me.
"I used to think the world was so small...I was so sheltered."

"Living in a palace does that" I remind him.

"Rules, pointless regulations.... You make me question everything I once thought I knew. When I went into town today, I gained a new perspective. There was so much I haven't smelled and seen and touched"

The pact I made with the king and the promised rejection of the ring flashes in my mind. After today, I knew Theo would make a great king. He defended the people and treated them as murals. He would make a great king and I refused to be the one to take that away from him. But I was still curious to ask.

"Would you leave it? A royal life destined for you?" I whisper, staring into his eyes.

"I don't know?
I never lived another life? Royalty is all I know"

"But do you desire it?" I say, trying to find his stance.
"I mean you're fighting hard to maintain the title? With your ring and—-"

"Oh...the ring" he says as if reality just hit him.
"Maybe if I had someone by my side. Who I could trust and would guide me." He smiles.

"Like a queen?" I smile.

He smirks and nods. "Like a queen named Ima" he teases.

"Absolutely not! It was just a hypothetical." I try to pull away but he pulls me into his arms and we watch each other.

"I'm serious Ima" he whispers, pulling my jaw into his palm. "I want you to be my queen" The emphasis on the last word made me blush again. I hated that I kept on blushing around him.

He kisses me passionately and I return it. His kisses were delicious and warm. But I had to tell him the truth.

Queen Ima? Although I liked the sound of that, this wasn't part of the plan!

The sun sets and he breaks away.
"Theo I must tell you something"

"What?" His face crunched with concern.

"I came here on false pretenses. Your father made me—-"

"THEOOOOOO!!!" I hear the pitchiest scream in the world. It was so annoying and irksome I knew who it belonged to instantly.

Ocelia rushes to his side, breaking us apart. "Are you okay?! No scratches? She didn't harm you" He watches me awakrdly as she fusses over him.
"I heard you were held by sword!"

"Enough Celia" Theo held her hands gently, prohibiting her from touching him again.

"You heard I was held up? From who?"

"The servants and guards!
Your dad is looking for you! He's livid!"

Ocelia smooths her ratty hair and turns to me. "This is all your fault you vagabond!
You perverted his innocent mind by forcing him to go to the slums!"

"Are we still pretending that you're not the palace Whore?" I say bluntly. She had no rights or power. Why was she even talking to me?

"I may be a palace Whore but—"

"Wow! You actually claimed the title?" I giggled. She charges to face me but Theo holds her.

"Ocelia, go."

"But Theo!"

"My fiancé and I have to take care of this." He said my title and Ocelia almost threw up. She looked like she was going to cry.

She frowns but listens and storms off.

Author note:
Don't get to comfy... it's about to go down...

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