14. My Lady

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I hadn't seen Theo since that night I snuck out at the colosseum.
It must have been two days? Maybe three? I knew he was still upset but I didn't care.
I was too upset to greet him.

Zepor enters into my quarters and appears before me, dressed in a flowing gown of white silk and lace. "Good morning, my lady," she said, her voice soft and kind. I was quiet, only staring out the window.

"You seem distressed" she says as she turns over the pillows in my bed. I hold my arms as I think back to the night Theo came and snatched me from my match.

"Has the prince ever loved someone?" I asked, feeling cautious. I didnt know how much Zepor knew.

"Prince Theo? No my lady. Never. I would have been the first to hear it" she smiles. "Gossip runs deep through the palace walls"

"I see" I whisper. I tilt my head and smile as I see Theo walking through the palace corridors. He looked especially handsome today. He had stubble that was growing along his jawline and chin.

"He didn't tell a soul my dear," Zepor said, smiling as she came beside me.

"I suppose you know if our little adventure Zepor"

I turn to watch her. She nods and bows her head. "You are close to him"

"I have known him since birth. I took care of him and still do"

"So you are a spy!" I frown, angered at the revelation.

"If I were, do you not think I would have let him in by now?" She says. "He's been asking to see you"

"He has?" I try to sound indifferent.

"He feels as if he were too harsh on you"

"He was more than harsh. Coming down there and collecting me like I was some... some..."

"Child?" Zepor says, finishing my words.

"Yes. Like a child!"Zepor smiles at me and leads me to drawn bath.

"You have been chosen to become the next princess Ima. To live a life of luxury and elegance, to be admired and respected by all. But with great power comes great responsibility and sacrifices. She leads her hands to my back as she helps me undress to bathe.

First she starts on my hair to lather my curls then scrubs my body clean. 

"Does he lover her...Ocelia?"

She sighs and stops for a minute to think. "Four years of no commitment. A man knows from the first moment when a woman will be his wife. He does not love her"

I try not to smile as I hear her sentiments. It was one that pleased me for some reason.

"Why is he so captivated by her then?"

"It as all Theo has. She's familiar to him. In a palace of changing rules, palace guards, and regulations, Celia is his familiarity."

I listen to Zepor and really take in her words. As much as Celia annoyed me, I guess she provided some sort of relief for Theo.
Maybe I could use her familiarity to my advantage?

"Zepor, may you do me a favor" I ask carefully.

"I am here to serve you my lady" she bows in reverence.
I whisper a sneaky little plan I had and smile.

The afternoon

I made sure Zepor told me Theo's schedule to accuracy.

If she was accurate in her statements, Theo would be with Celia now. I turn the corner and see Theo kissing Celia's cheek, whispering sweet nothings into her ears. She giggles and looks at him with love.

"I miss you Theo!I hardly see you and more."

"Celia..don't start this" he says annoyingly.

"But it's true!"

"It's not my fault. Ima is so needy and misses me all the time. She starts asking about my whereabouts the moment I step outside my room" he lies so effortlessly.

That liar!
We hadn't seen each other in three days.

"Then tell her no next time! She needs to give you your space."

I fume, gathering my dress and charging forward.

I looked different but in a good way and I knew Theo would notice.  My dress was tailored to accentuate my curves. It was a dark purple that caught every eye.

"There you are!" I interjected. Both their eyes snap to mine.

"Ima." His eyes almost popped out his head once he saw me.
"Ima" He says again through a strained breath. 
Did I look that different? I Would thank Zepor later for dressing me so nice.
"I mean.."he clears his throat.  Letting go of Ophelia. "I ... Ima." He was speechless. Men like him were so predictable.

"You have said my name three times Theo. A fourth and I'll disappear?" I smile girlishly.

He frowns awkwardly "Ima... I didn't expect to see you here"

"Really? You were telling Celiac that I am at your heel twenty four seven no?"

He tries to create a bigger distance between the red haired girl and him but she was relentless. "No. Ima. Of course not."

"Well, I was getting worried? You didn't see me in the morning. Then we didn't have tea like usual. Then you didn't kiss me goodbye before my lessons. You need to tell me where you are Theo."

He looks confused at first but finally catches on to the charade. He knew I had eves-dropped on their conversation.

"Ima" he sighs.

I walk over to him and pretend to cry "Theo are you... loosing interest in me!?"

"No..." he sighs, " never"

"I knew it! You love Ocean more than me!"

"It's Ocelia." She blurts.

"Ima. Stop this" he ignores her and grabs my chin keeping up with my charade.

"I can't." I begin to pout. He holds me close. For a minute he looked like he was serious. His soft brown eyes scanned mine.

"I can't share you Theo.
You need to choose between her or me"

"Ima, you put me at an uncomfortable position. I can't choose where my feelings lie."

"Uncomfortable? I'm your fiancé?" I pout.

"And I am his first love" the girl interjected, stepping between us.

"Do you love her Theo?" I say through a smirk. She had fallen right into my trap.

Now, Theo would have to be honest and answer for himself. He was putting the blame on me for why he was creating a distance with Ocelia. I knew he was loosing interest but he was too fearful to tell her.

Theo looked at me then at Ocelia.

"I shouldn't be here. You two should talk and figure this out."

"Ima" Theo fumes, holding my wrists to prevent my departure. I knew he was furious for putting him on the spot but it's what he deserved for lying.

"I'll leave you to it" I say, smiling before going back to my quarters.

The moment I left I hear Ocelia screaming at Theo and a few curses.

"Princess Ima." Zepor smirks. She had witnessed the whole thing.

I didn't care if Theo hated me more for it.
It was what he deserved.

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