29) Fake Rings

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"The stables are this way." Ima says, pointing. She crouches low to tie the back of her sandals. I couldn't help but take in her beauty with an authoritative stare. There was a long silence between us before she catches me in a glance.

"You coming prince?" She smirks. I let out the breath I was holding and nod, following after her. We come to the stables in the distance. I assumed it was the lot where the gladiators horses were housed.

Just before she was about to climb a soft onyx horse in the distance, instinctively I lifted her up into the horse. Right after she adjusted, I climb and pulled her waist close as I mounted behind her.

I could feel her heart beating as fast as a drum. Her scent was addictive. I was so close, it made me think improper things...vulgar things.
I shouldn't.

"Ima" I whisper against her neck. She presses her wrist against my legs, reminding me of my sanity and clueing me to snap out of my daze.

She steered the steed before commanding the horse into a gallop. Before long, we came into a clearing where a city was sprinkled some distance away.

"Acedonia" she smiles, turning her head back to me. "The real one"

The hustle and bustle sure was stimulating.
She steered the horse into a small small tent and told a few handlers to take care of us.

I hopped off the horse and lowered Ima soon after; our eyes locked as my hold lingered against her stomach.

"Are you gonna kisssss?!" A sharp but impatient voice rings. A small girl who I hadn't noticed brushes the hair of our horse before interrupting us.

"This boy is prettier than the last three you brought here Ima!" she giggled staring at me with intrigue. Ima rolls her eyes before placing two golden coins in her outstretched arm.

"I don't even know you" she frowns, pushing the little girl away but their familiarity was more than palatable.

"Prettier than the last three?" I question.

"She's a confused little girl" Ima laughs awkwardly before skipping ahead.

"Last three?" I asked again, this time more impatiently. How many men did Ima bring to this town? What life did she have before me?
Before she could answer me, the townspeople bombard her with greetings..

"Ima!! You're back!"
"Ima you look good!
Palace life treating you good!
Man fine dem"

She stared and joked with a few people before waving them off with camaraderie.

"This way" she says, taking me by the hand.
We walk through the city and I take in the sights and smells of a place unfamiliar to me.
It was beautiful in a quaint type of way.
Fishes were thrown into the air.
There were woman screaming about the price of bread and cheese. Another man was begging us to buy his robes. It was a new experience.

We came up to a table where a plentiful display of white and black diamonds were.

"This one is nice." Ima smiles, picking up the furthest Ruby red ring.

I take it from her hand and frown, already seeing the discrepancy of its authenticity.
"It's a fake" I said.

"Is it?"she frowns.

"Look." I pull her in closely to whisper. I didn't want any wondering ears. "The band is thicker than it allows. And the diamond doesn't shine authentically. It's a fake"

"Hey!! Hey!
No it's not!" I turn around and see an overly large man standing over is. He was the type for man that took up space but had no reason to. I assumed he was the shopkeeper since he had a few matching faux rings on his finger.

"It is not fake" he snarls. I guess he had heard our conversation.

"It is and anyone who buys this is a fool" I say. I didn't care to soften my words.

"Theo" Ima curses pulling at my arm, warning me to watch my tounge. It looked as if they were travelers from another city. Extravagant stories of their trips and memories brought in the crowds but purchasing the goods sustained them.

"Are you calling me a fool?" The man yells attracting a crowd of people.

"If the sword fits your holster?" I smile, ingenuity filling my core.

"Ohhhhhhh!" the crowd oohs. I was not scared of him, nor the potentially cheap sword he possessed.
Fake metal didn't cut as cleanly anyway.

The guy comes from around the tent and pulls out his sword.
Why were men like him so typical?

Ima stops him an laughs nervously. "He was only joking to haggle the price down! Right Theo?"

"I wasn't Ima.
It's a fake.
Admit it and I'll leave." I challenge the man.

The guys face turns red.
Never had he been insulted yet alone by a man he did not know.

"Sir! He was trying to get a deal weren't you?" Ima smiles, holding my wrist to warn me.

"I wasn't.
It's a shame you refuse to make an honest living. Cheating the people of Acedonia, a population that's already faces so much hardships"

"You will die tonight. Pretty boy!" He yells, charming at me with his sword.


The man at Theo but of course he looked unfazed.
Years of training by top warriors and royal officers does that to a man.

The burly shopkeeper strikes a lethal blow but Theo dodges it easily.

"Stand still!" The man shouts again. Theo does, and this time the sword passes right by his ear. Theo quickly twists his arm and kicks his shin, forcing him to the floor.

It hadn't even been a minute. The people smiled and some laughed. The other group of men in his entourage surrounded Theo but the man on the floor held up his hand.

"Fine...fine!! It is...not authentic. You're right. They are novelties" he says.

Theo drops the sword to his side and scoffs.
"Give all the women with children a ring"

"I admitted they were fake! I'm not giving my inventory. Who do you think you are anyway!!"

"The Reigning Prince of Acedonia" aloud voice booms. My eyes close with regret as I recognized the voice and who it belonged to.

Boy, we're we in trouble.

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