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Karan's P.O.V.

I finally landed London after a very tiring journey of almost 10 hours. And I don't know why I just can't sleep in an aeroplane. It's kind of a habit that I stay awake during the entire journey.
And now this jetlag won't help me either.

I moved out of the airport only to find jeejs standing over there waving his hand at me. All my tiredness went into gutter after seeing him there. I ran to him and he took me in a bone crashing hug.



People over there gave us weird looks. But do you think we care? Naah. Not at all.

"I'm so glad to see you jeej. How are you? How's everyone at home? Where is di? Why she didn't come?" I started my session of endless questions and he shook his head in disbelief.

"Sunny let me speak atleast." He said and I bit my tongue.


"Everyone is fine and they are waiting for you. Come let's go."

"Let's go. And I'm driving." I threw my luggage at the back of my car and quickly took the driving seat. Jeej smiled at my excitement and sat beside me.

"Let's go saale."

"Yup. Tie your seatbelt jeej." I said and he immediately did that because he knows how I drive when I get my hands on this beauty. It's my first car I bought in London and it's kept here only. I use it whenever I'm here and in my absence it's used by Bharat or jeejs.

"So saale how's life treating you over there? Or should I say how's Tejasswini treating you?" He said and I rolled my eyes at him. I've to correct them every damn time.

"Jeej its not tejasswini, it's Tejasswi. "

"Oh I keep forgetting yaar. It will be better if I call her laddoo too. What say?"

"Nooooo. That's something only I can call her."

"You're such a kid Sunny." He said and I couldn't agree to it any more.

"She says the same thing jiju."

"Your sister is really excited to meet her. She is just waiting for her holidays to start, next moment you'll find her in India." He told me and I chuckled. My sisters are the best. If Meenu is my best friend than Poonam di is just like my second mother. I'm really lucky to have these two angles in my life.

"Even Teja is excited to meet all of you. You know jeej she and Meenu have already planned many things. They even planned their girls night without even meeting each other. Can you imagine? And the one thing they both love the most is to irritate me. Sometimes we do conference calls as well and they both roast me."

"Seriously Sunny. That girl has a charm. She is so innocent and smart at the same time. The way she handles her business is really commendable. And she talks to Poonam as well. You are lucky to have her saale." I just love how she made everyone love her in such a short span of time. And jeejs is right, my girl is really one in a million.

"I feel good jeejs that she bonded with the family really well. Frankly speaking I always had a fear that, what if the girl I marry doesn't get along with my family. But she removed all my fears. Now I feel that mom-dad loves her more than me." I told him and he chuckled at last.

"That's the same thing which happened with me and Poonam. My family still loves her more than me."

"Obviously they will jeej. My sister is the best. And you are nothing in front of her." I said in a teasing tone and he faked a glare at me.

TEJRAN : AN ARRANGED TALE OF LOVEWhere stories live. Discover now