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Warning ~ This chapter contains some mature scenes. Read at your own risk, skip it if you aren't comfortable.

Tejasswi's POV

"Anhnn.. oww.. ummm..mumma." I made all types of weird sounds, holding my head, trying really hard to get rid of the headache. With putting lots of effort, I was finally able to open my eyes and sat straight on the bed. And the first thing I did was to take an oth, of never getting high on whisky, ever again.

I wasn't aware of my surroundings, I looked around the room with half opened eyes and frowned. It seemed so familiar, the drapes and the furniture, the closet on my right and the frames hanging on the front wall. Wait a minute, what were our pictures doing in the hotel room?

Holy fuck! I was at the beach house. My body stiffened and sudden a fear consumed me in. How did I end up here? And when? Who got me here was out of the question, because I knew only one person could bring me here, who was nowhere to be found, I mean not in the room atleast.

*What happened last night?* I didn't remember anything after Shivin's call. Who informed Sunny about my stay in that hotel? And why did he bring me here? Ughhh. So much confusion.

Using all my energy, I got up from the bed and started dragging myself towards the washroom but before I could reach there, I saw Karan entering the room.

He passed a small smile and asked, "You up. Feeling better?" I just gawked at him. How could he be so normal after whatever happened yesterday? First of all he got me hear and then he was so calm and smiling to me? Was he actually over the matter or it was the silence before the storm?

"Tejasswi?" He called me again and I blinked my eyes to register his behaviour. "Ya.. ya I'm fine. Good morning." I replied, returning the smile.

He chuckled and said, "It's evening." I looked at him, with my eyes wide open. "Huh? I slept for so long." I said out of embarrassment. Okay, there was a very unusual awkwardness in the air and I didn't like it all. I've never been awkward around Karan and I hated the situation at that very moment.

"Hmm. I'll get you a coffee. Then you can freshen up." He said and left without waiting for my reply while I stood on my place watching him leave the room.

He was back within five minutes with a mug of coffee and a tablet in his hand. He handed over both the things to me and I cringed looking at the mug of black coffee.

"I'm going for a shower. You can freshen up in the next room and then we can.. talk.. or go out, whatever you suggest." He said rubbing his hand on the back of his neck and I just nodded.

What an impact these fights had on us? We were not even able to communicate freely. I remember my first meeting with Karan was far better than this.

Taking his towel and a pair of clothes, he went inside and I started taking small sips of my coffee. I went to his closet to look for some clothes for myself, as I prefer to wear his clothes whenever we stay here, shirts and hoodies to be precise.

I looked back at the now closed door of the bathroom and something in me was yelling from inside, "go to him Tejasswi. Just go." And for the very first time, I didn't let my mind take the charge and force me to change my plan. I just pulled out another towel and ran inside the bathroom where he was taking a shower.

I stood there for a minute, battling with myself, to step in or not.

At the end, I took a deep breath and pushed the door inside and there stood my man in all his glory. His back facing me, his hands in his hair, removing the left over shampoo from them. The water droplets falling down through his hair to his nape and then making their way from his well built back muscles they touched the ground. His hand movements made his muscles twitch and I bit my lip, looking at the droolworthy sight in front me. I couldn't believe this exclusively hot piece of art is all mine. I was shamelessly ogling at him and my mind reminded me walk further.

TEJRAN : AN ARRANGED TALE OF LOVEWhere stories live. Discover now