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Tejasswi's POV

"Yes Rohit. Right now? Can we shift it to the evening please. No I've plans with Sunny. Pleaseee.. thankyou. You're the best. Bye." I hung up the phone and placed it back in my clutch.

"Aai, I'm leaving. I'll be late, please don't wait for me and have your dinner on time. Bye." I yelled from the main door and ran towards my car after hearing a bye and a take care from my beloved mother.

The moment I locked the seatbelt around myself my phone buzzed again and I sighed looking at it. Apparently this device is a real pain in ass sometimes.

"Yes Mr. Roy, ya I'll be there tomorrow. No.. no.. I won't come with him this time. I think I need some time to discuss this with him. Ya.. I understand. Umm... I'll try to do something. Sure. Have a good day."

Oh God! I just can't take Sunny to the lawyer. Forget about taking him there I can't even discuss with him about the case. I already know his reaction and I don't want to complicate things all over again. Ughh.. this case has kept me on my toes since last two weeks. I've to go to the lawyer every third day, I've to be there at office from morning to the evening, I've to look after my family as well actually both the families and on top of that Sunny is still giving me a tough time. Life couldn't be any better.

I came out of my reverie and once again thanks to my phone. I groaned out of frustration but smiled as soon as I saw Sunny's name flashing on it.

"Good morning Sunny." I chirped from my side but as expected received a plain reply from the other end.

"Morning Tejasswi. You were supposed to be here by 9:30 and it's past 10. Everyone is waiting for you."

"I'm so sorry Karan. I'll be there in ten minutes. I woke up late and then..." I started to blabber again but his next sentence kinda helped me to calm down.

"Relax.. take your time and drive safely. We can wait. Now I'm cutting the call. Bye." He said and ended the call and I looked at the phone with a small smile on my face.

Exactly after ten minutes my car was parked outside the Kundrra mansion. I collected the required stuff and rang the doorbell, dad opened the door and welcomed me with a huge smile and a warm hug. "Hello Teju. What took you so long?"

"Hello dad. Traffic." I replied shaking my head and he sighed too. We both went inside and I directly went to the kitchen to meet mom.

"Morning mom. Do you need any help?"

"Morning Teju. Nope. Everything is ready, come let's have breakfast." We both came out and joined the siblings on the dinning table. I greeted Meenu di and then took a seat beside Sunny.

"Good morning Sunny." I wished him enthusiastically and he just smiled back at me.

"Teju when are you finalising the designs for the interior of your room? I want to get it done before your marriage." Mom asked me and by looking at her face anybody could say she was damn serious.

"We aren't getting married tomorrow morning." Before I could say anything Sunny replied on my behalf and I just stared at him blankly. Actually I'm used to of his taunts these days. But I won't deny that his words and actions do hurt me. If I'm trying to make things normal like they were before, he can be a little considerate at least.

"Umm... Ya mom there is still time for our wedding besides that I don't need any changes in the room. I like the way it is." I replied and tried to smile at her.

"You were the one who wanted to add frames and show pieces, right?" Karan asked.

"Sunny, mom is talking about interiors of the room not about the decor." I tried to be as calm as possible.

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