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Karan's POV

I twisted on my bed, trying hard to avoid the sun rays peeping through the windows. Hiding my face into the pillow, I tried sleeping again but the light didn't allow me.

I had a severe pain in my head and my entire body felt heavy. I held my head between my palms to stop the pain but that didn't work as well. It kept on increasing and I was just flipping sides on the bed, trying really hard to sleep.

I opened my eyes with great difficulty but shut them immediately as I couldn't adjust to the bright light in the room. "Ahhh." I let out a groan and once again tried to sit straight on the bed. But all my efforts went in vain as I fell back with a thud.

I looked at the digital clock and I could barely see what time it showed. I tapped my hand here and there, in search of my phone but didn't find it there. I continued searching for my phone and didn't realise when I dozed off.

I opened my eyes after God knows how many minutes or hours but I was definitely feeling better. Taking the support of the bedrest I sat straight at my place and rubbed my eyes while yawning.

I looked around my surroundings and frowned. I was in my hotel room. But how? As far as I remember, I was in a pub last night.

'How did I come here? And who got me here? Because I remember that Nishant passed out before me.'

I started recollecting the events from last evening and connected the dots. I met Nishant last night and then we decided to hit the club and then we were chilling over there, we had drinks, he passed out and then I went to take a drink for myself and... And I don't remember what happened after that.

Fuck! Somebody spiked my drink. But why? And who? Chuck everything, who the hell changed my shirt? I freaked out looking at my own reflection in the mirror.

"My phone." I started searching for it once again but didn't find it on the bed. I threw the pillows here and there and kicked the duvet out of frustration.

I scanned the entire room, the restroom and the balcony as well but I couldn't spot my phone anywhere. 'God! I didn't talk to anyone since last night. They must be worried. I need to find it at any cost.' I thought to myself and continued the hunt.

My eyes went wide as soon as I looked at the clock. 10 AM. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! I had a flight at 11:25.

"You are so dead Karan. If by chance you miss the flight, Laddoo will kill you. Run. Just run." I said looking at myself and ran into the washroom after grabbing my essentials.

The phone was a forgotten thing and even I gave up on it.

I came out after half an hour and got changed into my casuals. Firstly I cleaned the mess which I created a while ago and then packed my stuff.
Thank God I just carried a single bag.

I was all set to leave and after locking the door I went to the reception to check out. The receptionist smiled at me and helped me get the formalities done within few minutes.

I thanked her and made my way towards the exit but she stopped me in the middle. "Excuse me Sir." I turned around, mentally cursing her for wasting my time. "Yes."

"Sir your phone." She forwarded the phone in my direction and I looked at her in confusion. How the heck she got that? Anyways, I found it finally.

"Umm... Where did you find it?" I asked taking it back from her.

"Madam left it here last night." She replied and continued writing something in her register.

I frowned at the mention of madam and asked her again. "Madam? Which madam?"

TEJRAN : AN ARRANGED TALE OF LOVETahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon