Chapter 44

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"You know her?" Carl asked.

"Remember when I got hit by that car?" I asked and dad and Carl nodded.

"Well Michonne is the girl that kept me alive until the ambulance got there." I said.

"I would have drowsed off and probably not have woken up for a while. But Michonne kept me awake and alert she kept saying things like it's going to be okay, your family is coming, you'll survive, the ambulance is almost here. Then when the ambulance arrived she left." I said.

Michonne nodded.

"Is she bit?" Hershel asked.

"Gunshot." dad said.
"Welcome to the club." Carl said to her referring to at the farm and dad in a coma at the beginning. She smiled slightly.

We carried Michonne back to the cell block and Dad started giving orders.
"Carl, get a blanket. Beth, get some water and a towel." he said.

Carl dropped the blanket on the floor and dad laid her down gently.

After she was settled dad pulled me aside.
"Lizzie I know you know her but I can't fully trust her I'm going to have to ask her some tough questions and I don't want you, your kind heart, or anyone interfering." he said

"She is a good woman." I calmly said

"You knew her for what 3 minutes?!"

"Actually it was about 3 hours."

"Lizzie. Stop it. Your 17 and I shouldn't have to say this but go to your cell."

"No. Maybe I don't trust you with a new person. Figuring you wanted to kill Randell before you knew he was bad." I answered.

"But he turned out to be bad. No I just want to make sure she isn't now go." He said.

"How can you fully trust her?" He asked me.

"Without her I wouldn't be alive right now so stop it. She is trustworthy and I know it!" I yelled.

all attention was brought to me.

I turned around to see Glenn talking to Michonne.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey. Look at me. Who are you?" He asked softly. She didn't answer.

She reached for her katana but Glenn pushed it away.

"Hey, hey, hey. Were not going to hurt you, unless you do something stupid first."

I heard footsteps from the other room and I turned to see Daryl.

"Who the hell is this?" He asked.

"Wanna tell us your name?" Glenn asked but she didn't reply.

"Ya'll come on in here." Daryl said. Everyone turned to him.

"Everything alright?" Dad asked.

"Your gon' wanna see this." He said.

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