Bonten Really Love Her

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Wakasa back to the hospital 7 hours after that with a luggage and lily on his hand. He come in to Sierra room and put the lily on the vase, open the luggage, and start to arrange the things inside the luggage. He put on lemon cake, some oranges, and apple in the fridge. Then organize few books in the table near there, place a laptop and a humidifier too. 

"How do you know Sierra?" Takeomi who just come in the room asked when he found out Wakasa was there. Wakasa spray vanilla mist in the room and answered, "Why don't we gather all Bonten members so I don't have to explained it over and over?" He asked back in lazy tone.

"You're still annoying as usual. Just explained would you?" Takeomi asked again. "Sierra asked me not to explained anything to all of you, she will be the one who explained it." Wakasa replied.

There's awkward silence there. Wakasa and Takeomi has been a good friend back in those days, but since Takeomi join Bonten they lost contact. 

"How are you doing all this time?" Wakasa asked while setting up the humidifier. "Just like this.. As you can see.." He said. "Rich as hell. I almost envy." Wakasa replied with smirk make Takeomi laugh a little. The awkwardness already melt down with that simple conversation between them, and they start to hanging out.

Just right 8 hours, the doctor come out from the surgery room. Sanzu and Kakucho stand right away waiting for doctor to say something. "She's really unbelievable! She made it! Now, we should wait until she conscious." The doctor said. Sanzu grinned, and Kakucho sigh in relief. 

When Sanzu and Kakucho entered to Sierra's room they amazed. Wakasa setting up everything, even make this room exactly smell like her, her things already arrange too.

"How can you did all of this?" Kakucho asked to Wakasa who's hanging out with Takeomi in the sofa. "Grab her thing and place it here?" Wakasa asked back.

The nurse is coming in bring Sierra to her room. Kakucho and Sanzu right away come closer to the sleeping girl. Wakasa glance at her only to fine she's peacefully sleeping there, make a smile formed in his lips.

A few hours later, Mikey entering Sierra room. "Takeomi, Sanzu, let's back to headquarter. Ran will be fine with Rindou, and Sierra will be fine with Kakucho." Mikey said.

"Mikey?" Sierra said in whispered. "Are you conscious already Sierra?" Mikey asked back and coming closer to her. "How do you feel?" Kakucho right away stand up and coming to her. 

"Uh.. Kaku.. Mikey.. I'm fine. It's just hurt all over my body. You sure the doctor do it right? Not leaving any scalpel inside me right?" She asked back with smile. Sanzu chuckled hearing that, "Make sure you got enough rest Sierra. I'll leave Kakucho here to take care of you." Mikey said, "I'll be fine. You all can go, there's Waka here." She replied. 

"Yeah, I've done my business for today so I got the whole day to handle her." Wakasa said make Kakucho and Sanzu realized, now they know why he left her during surgery. So he can finish all his business, and prepare his time to take care of her after surgery. "I'll leave her to you Wakasa." Mikey said and he nodded.

Mikey pat her hair softly before left her. Kakucho lay a forehead kiss to her before left, while Takeomi just smile. Sanzu kiss her cheeks, "I'll back at night. Do you need me to bring you something?" He asked softly. "I'll text you if I need something." She replied then wave to him. 

Now only her and Wakasa that left in that room. "Bonten really love you huh?" Waka said and she giggling, "Yes, It's looks like I can be their sugar baby. What do you think? Should I be their sugar baby?" She asked jokingly. Waka chuckled. 

"You seem healthy already but, I already call the doctor to check on you. So, stay still." He said while passing a glass of water, and Sierra smile. "Thank you Waka." She said sipping the water and when she saw her room is completely the way she want she's just so happy that Waka did that for her. 

"Oh! Waka! How is Ran?" She asked in surprised when she remember about Ran. "Calm down. He's fine. He conscious right after you going in for surgery." Waka informed. "I want to meet him." She said. "Not now. You're just conscious. The doctor even haven't arrived yet to check you up." He replied make her pouted. 

Not long after that the doctor come in and check up on her, "You're doing great miss." The doctor said in the end of his examination and left. "See? I'm fine now!" Sierra said with proud smile to Waka. "You need to recover. He said you need to rest for a week." He replied. "And he didn't say I can't meet Ran." She replied. 

"I'm not allowing you meet him." Wakasa said. "Are you jealous?" She asked then giggling. Wakasa rolled his eyes. "I'm not jealous okay! Now rest! Sleep!" He said and back to sit in the sofa. Sierra giggling, she reach her phone, "Ai, how is Ran doing?" She asked to Ai.

Wakasa glance at her but let her do it. "He recovering right now Sierra-sama. Should I call him for you?" Ai asked. Sierra look at Waka, like asking his permission. Wakasa sighed and nodded. A smile bloomed in her face, "Yes, call him Ai." she command. 

"Ran! Are you okay?" Sierra said right away after the call is answered. "Sierra?" He asked. "Yes it's me! But Waka didn't let me to meet you yet. He said it's because I just conscious. I'll be there as soon as possible." She said and Ran close the call without saying anything. Sierra look at her phone, "He close the call, Waka. Is he mad at me?" She asked. "No, he'll come here." Waka said. 

Waka is right, Ran come in the wheelchair with Rindou push him. "I've heard everything from Rindou. Are you okay Sierra? How can you in that kind of condition all this time? You should take care of yourself more!" He scolded her right away while Sierra just grinned to him.  

"I'm sorry Ran for make you hurt like this." Sierra said, her eyes saddening seeing wound in his abdomen. "Don't you ever think this is because of you! It's my choice to save my own little sister! Don't blame yourself!" He scolded her again. "I'm the one who put you on this condition Ran, you have right to angry at me.." She said.

"What kind of psycho is angry to the person that he take bullet for, that he desperately want to save?" Ran asked softly and Sierra smile so bright. She glad that he's okay, and she happy that Ran love her that much. "Sierra." Waka said out of sudden. Ran and Rindou confused, "You asked right what kind of psycho is.." Wakasa explained.

"That's because you're so stupid, how can you take bullet for me? It's not just one, 3 bullets! Can you imagine that Ran?" She asked to Ran, "Well, I don't know the story but you need to be protected and being taken care of. Look at you, if you didn't get examined, you're going to be in a bad shape." He replied.

"Come on! I'm not that little girl who need to be protected. I'm hitman! The profesional one!" She protested like a little girl and make Wakasa, Ran, and Rindou laugh.

"So, Rindou nii chan said he'll forgive me.. And even-" Sierra sentence is cut off by Rindou who's flustered. "I said consider to forgive you!" He said in a flash. "Forgive what?" Ran asked.

"He said you're like this because of her." Wakasa explained to Ran. "What the fuck Rindou." Ran glare at him right away and Rindou right away slide to hiding behind Sierra. 

"Help me to tame this angry lion, little sis." He said in panic. Ran who hear 'little sis' from Rindou mouth is flicked a little. So does, Wakasa. Both of them though Rindou still hate her.

"That's how much he love you Ran nii chan! Don't angry to him!" She said while unfurling her hand to protect Rindou. Wakasa chuckled.

"Okay. I'm not angry. Come here." Ran said, "Really?" Rindou asked. "Really. Now come here." He said and Rindou come. The moment Rindou close enough Ran smack his head.

"How dare you said that to her!" He scold Rindou. "You have to treat her well! She's our little sister!" Ran said again and Rindou hold his smacked head. "I know!" He talk back in annoyance. 

"I want to adopt her legally." Ran said make Sierra gasp. "What?" Wakasa asked in disbelief and Rindou jaw dropped. "Yes, I will adopt you as our little sister. You will be Haitani." Ran said again. "Are you serious Ran?!" Rindou asked and Ran nodded. Sierra look at Wakasa, and he look back at her. 

Tokyo Revengers Wakasa Imaushi AU; The Lunatic GirlWhere stories live. Discover now