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Alyssia spent most of the night tossing and turning and only got two hours of sleep the entire night. She kissed Joe!

She feels so guilty because she probably hurt Joe by running and betrayed Toby by kissing Joe in the first place.

Finally, around 7am she gave up on trying to go back to sleep and got up to use the bathroom. She ventures downstairs after and makes herself a strong coffee with painkillers for her pounding headache and some breakfast.

An hour later, Ben comes down and Alyssia frowns not remembering him staying, "Did you stay the night?"

"Yes, so did Vicky," Ben makes himself a coffee and one for Victoria having passed her on the landing when she was heading back to her room after visiting the bathroom.

"Oh, I must have forgotten, sorry," The headache she had is starting to fade, the painkillers doing their job, "Help yourself to some breakfast by the way."

"Thanks," He opens the fridge and frowns, "Oh, no bacon. A bacon sandwich is the best cure for a hangover."

Alyssia raises an eyebrow, "Ben..."

"Oh right, yeah, your vegetarian," He huffs looking for other options.

Rolling her eyes with a faint smile on her lips, she continues to sip her coffee and goes back to looking out the window, losing herself in thought.

After putting some bread in the toaster, Ben turns back to face Alyssia, leaning against the side and he spots a tear sliding down her cheek, "You thinking about last night?"

She sniffs, wiping her cheek, "I'm thinking about Toby."

"Lissy," He pushes himself off the counter, "You didn't do anything wrong with Joe last night."

"I kissed him, Ben," She feels just as guilty now as the time she kissed Ben at that party years ago.

"And that's okay because you like him and he likes you. Toby would want you to move on, he said so in that letter."

"I know he did, but it still feels like I cheated. Honestly Ben, after marrying Toby, I thought that was it and I was more than okay with that because I didn't want anyone else but Toby," She stands from her chair, getting closer to Ben by the second, "I still love him, I miss him so much and I know Ivy does too. Olivia, she doesn't have a clue who he is because he's DEAD Ben," She hits his chest with her fist, but Ben just pulls her into a hug and she collapses sobbing in his hold.

He holds her so tightly he's afraid to let go for fear she'll just break into pieces.


The following two days on set Alyssia avoids Joe like the plague, she can't face him so she sticks to her dad's side.

Brian and Roger both notice this of course, "What happened on the night out?" Roger asks her while they stand back watching the scene when Queen creates the Seven Seas of Rhye.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, all of last week you were getting on great with the lads and Lucy and now you're clinging to my side like a lost sheep. I don't mind, of course, but it has been a long time since you've wanted to spend time with me over your friends."

"I do want to spend time with you," She frowns, interrupting him, "You're my dad."

"Hey," Brian smiles, tilting her head up, "That was a playful, innocent jab, don't take it to that brain of yours. But I know you spending time with me over them means something happened and it started yesterday before they even started filming."

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