Ch-14 Truth Revealed (part-2)

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Zhan , " jie Jie"

Yanli , " mm?"

Zhan , " mom is coming "

Yanli , " WHAT?"

Zhan ," yibo called her here , she will be here any moment now." Zhan said this and hugged yanli who came not too long ago.

Cheng , " Ya I don't know what is going on his head."

Yanli , " zhanzhan don't worry whatever happens you always will have us. Papa , Cheng and me . We will never leave you behind-"

Just then they heard car noises.

Xuan , " I thing she came."

Cheng , " yes thats her car , cmon let's head downstairs."

Yanli , " zhan like I always say , don't be afraid , we are here to go through with this , let's end this for once and all. "


Ziyuan , " zhan... Where is zhan?"

Yibo , " don't you think this talk is supposed to be private? Xuan."

Xuan , " yibo?"

Yibo , " can you tell everyone except zhan, Cheng, yanli and fengmian uncle to go out?"

Xuan , " okay "

( everyone leaves the room.)

Ziyuan , " I am so sorry zhan , I never wanted it to go so wrong."

Cheng , " yea you are going to tell us you didnt intend to hurt him when your behavior towards him throughout the years speaks something else."

Fengmian , " Cheng! Let her complete."

Cheng, " You tell me to stop?*sobs* come you never tried to stop her when she was scolding or beating zhan for no reason? Wow papa , I still don't know how can you still....still..*breathes*.../ love her despite the fact that she ruined our family. I can't understand her motives I never did. Zhan has never said anything back to you but how mama can you be so ruthless? I sometimes wonder.... Are you even human?"

Fengmian , " CHENG!"

Cheng , " I am sorry pa I just...can't understand her."

Yanli , " Cheng....all of us here are upset with mom as you , but we can't judge her yet because....we haven't heard her side. Even if that side of story does not make sense , we have to hear from her first right?'

Zhan , " Cheng...I should be upset with her more than you...and I can't deny that I am very nervous....but Jie is world has always been tough for me....I have cried more than I laughed....but thats ok...okay because the most of the time ..I laughed ...was because of you guys . Each and every one in this room is so dear to me that...I can't effort it to be broken. If mom's side have a small amount of sense then too its enough for me."

Fengmian ," zhan , adopted. We told you that but...thats only the half story. After Cheng and yanli were born , me and ziyuan...*breathes*... fought so much that we thought we were gonna end the marriage . That time it was very hard for both of us , our relatives had mixed opinions and it was very....really.... hard to even face them. Those days I really hated when people say..."yea but they are still your family." The problem then was just misunderstanding but it took us a long time to understand that.....because...of..that...that.. time due to stress , I went out to......... drink. But because of the chaos that was happening that time , I drank way more. I didnt know what I was doing but...that day...I did something I can never forgive myself. On the way home...I met your biological mother. Because of the guilt, I told everything to ziyuan only to request her to..never..ever....reveal that I am....actually your father. Ziyuan accepted but when you were born....she couldn't accept it. She couldn't see you as her kid. No matter how bad she is , she didnt say that I was your father...thats why I never told her to stop punishing you."

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