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Fainting after hearing such dreadful news, Rahu catched Mr. Ferns' fragile body first before Baltes assisted him. Rahu already figured out this much would happen so he already had some nurses on stand by to help if the worse scenario happened. Thankfully, nothing serious had happened to his soon-to-be father-in-law.

"P-Prince~ my baby will come back to me alive right?" Mr. Ferns asked, he wasn't fully unconscious so he was able to ask but truthfully, Rahu didn't even know what to answer. He didn't want to believe it but he had to be realistic, his beloved mate and child might no longer come back to him alive. So many days had already passed and he couldn't shake this uneasy feeling within as if he knew something really bad had happened.

". . ." Unable to answer, Mr. Ferns finally bawled in pain because he knew the silence meant that he might have already lost his baby. From the beginning, he never consented to Gabby's relationship with Rahu because they're too different from each other. They live in different worlds and he cannot deny the danger the royal family might bring to his only son. But in the end, he consented because he wanted Gabby to be happy.

Alas, he was right all along.

"I-I knew this was going to happen... I'm sorry but... you two shouldn't have gotten together..." Mr. Ferns cried as he couldn't help but blame all of this on Rahu. Meanwhile, feeling exactly the same, Rahu accepted all the contempt since it is true that this happened because of him. This was all his fault. He loved and longed for Gabby so much that he forgot his status. He should have just become happy watching the Omega from afar...but he was greedy and now this had happened.

In fact, he should have just given up the throne even if it would upset Gabby. After all, in his heart, his mate was all he needed. There's no lead yet but he had a strong feeling that this had happened due to the power struggle. It didn't make sense yet why Alex Wilson was involved as they couldn't find any evidence that would connect him to any of his siblings but despite that, he knew for sure. He had a strong gut feeling.

"Please calm down Mr. Ferns... his highness is doing whatever he can to find your son..." Baltes defended but Mr. Ferns only shook his head.

"I can't calm down when there's a possibility where I might not even see my only baby again! Can you blame me? This wouldn't have happened if the Prince never approached my baby. This could have been prevented long ago... I could have prevented this but now it's too late... Oh! My poor Gabby," Mr. Ferns continued to cry, making Baltes unable to reply.

"Still..." Balted tried to reason but his words stopped when Rahu extended his hand to signal him to stop speaking and that he didn't need to defend him.

"Please escort him to his room to rest..." Rahu ordered and in an instant, Mr. Ferns was helped up by the nurses. Thankfully, he didn't struggle and let the group help him.

"Make sure he's well taken care of and do not let him out of your sight," Rahu ordered again, thinking the Omega might do something dangerous because of his current state.

After Mr. Ferns had left the room, Rahu sighed rubbing his face. There is still no sign of Gabby. Fortunately, after the King and Queen learned about the situation they had granted permission to search all the houses of all the princes and that later today he would fly back to Mizrahill to join in the search.

"The car is ready, your highness," returning from sending Mr. Ferns to his rest, Baltes informed Rahu to which he only replied with a simple nod. It may seem like they've lost hope, he'll never stop looking for his family.

* * *

Landing in his country, Rahu was greeted by his mother, the Queen. Even though she had forced his son to marry someone else before, she was deeply saddened by what had happened to Gabriel since she had already started to like him. Not to mention, she was finally going to be a grandmother soon but it looks like it would happen and she was afraid that after this incident, it would take her son's life as well.

"You didn't need to meet me here, Mother, the Queen."

"I am your mother before anything else. How can I not come and be worried when my son is looking like this? Shaheen, I am deeply saddened by the situation that's why I had convinced the King to help but you need to take care of your body as well. How many days has it been since you last slept? You look like you haven't rested or eaten anything for weeks," Rahu's mother said and worriedly held Rahu's face but it was only for a quick moment before Rahu took that hand away.

"I am fine, Mother... I just want to quickly go and look for Gabby. The sooner I find him the less danger he'll be in," Rahu replied. It is true that since Gabriel had been kidnapped, he had not slept or ate properly simply because he couldn't. He tried, and Baltes tried... but his body refused to rest and that this whole time he's been doing his best to find any tiny bit of information that would lead him to eventually finding Gabby's location.

"I understand but please have a little bit of rest. Even if it's just an hour or two," Rahu's mother begged, to which Rahu ended up replying with a nod. Of course, he can't promise that he would but in order to not further worry his mother, the Queen, he had to nod.

"Take the Queen back to her palace safely," Rahu told her guards and while the Queen was still reluctant to leave her son, she had no choice.

After the short meeting, Rahu then proceeded to a different car which would soon visit the other Prince's palaces. As he was in the car, he impatiently waited while keeping Gabby's image in his head and silently praying to their Gods to keep his mate safe until he finds him.

* * *

[The sound of a door closing]

Tears stained his face as a new set of bruises marked all over his body as a sign of the pain he had gone through, Gabby laid completely weakened from the multiple times he had been sexually and physically assaulted by Amir. The lingering sensation of the Alpha inside him and his touches remained and all he could feel was disgust to the point that he vomited.

Quickly sitting up as he threw up on the carpeted floor, Gabby lifted his face to look at the window. His sight blurred as he looked at the blueish sky and for the first time, he never thought that he would long to walk under such sky and sun so much. To go on beaches, on hiking, maybe a simple stroll at the nearest coffee shop or the mall, or maybe simply walking around the park, all of these were just normal things he did back then but now he was longing for it. He tried to be optimistic that he would be saved but at the same time, each day had passed and each time he was raped and beaten, he had lost his hope little by little. He knew Rahu would be looking for him day and night but he's afraid he might not make it.

At this point, Gabby just wanted to end it all since he didn't think he'd be able to live like he did before with all he had been through. Alas, he couldn't give up.

Lifting his hand to touch his stomach, Gabby began to cry. "I hope you're still alive," he whispered before falling into the bed feeling nauseous and on cue, a group of attendants marched in. As usual, it was to clean up the room and get rid of the mattress, the sheets, carpet., etc that he had vomited on. A couple of maids also came to him to clean his body and treat his wounds.

"Please help me... Please let the crowned Prince know I'm here... I-I promise I'd tell him to spare all of you," Gabby tried to beg again as he always did each time he saw new people coming in his room. He does not believe that they wouldn't feel sorry for him but each time he received silence, his tears would stream down again. He knew that the maids that came to clean and treat him felt bad and wanted to help but as if telling him they couldn't do anything to help, they would end up not saying anything.

After their tasks had ended, the leader of the group ordered them to quickly leave the room but one particular maid looked at Gabby. Gabby noticed it and begged again but alas, she quickly left when her superior told her to quickly go.

"Please, just let Rahu know I'm here! Please! I'm begging you," Gabby yelled in hopes that one of them would try and help him.

* * *

End of Chapter Thirty-Two.

A/N: This Book's S1 is 95% finished. If you want to read more, please know that you can visit my patreon of buymeacoffee page to read a couple chapters ahead of free sites. You will not only satisfy your cravings but will also support me and my creative process. Merry Christmas <3

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