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"Brother Shaheen, what is the meaning of this?!" Azhar Sahib Silvie shouted in confusion. He is the third Prince of Mizrahic and the younger brother of the eldest Prince, Amir. Fortunately, despite having different mothers and Rahu having a bad relationship with his elder brother, Azhar was quite close with Rahu. That's why seeing the palace's soldiers coming into his residence without explaining the situation, he was quite shocked and offended.

"Azhar, if you know what's best for you, then please cooperate. Your place is not the only one that's being inspected but rest assured, your wives and children will not be harmed as long as we don't see anything wrong," Rahu said with a serious expression. Even though he knew Azhar won't betray him, he can never be so sure.

"Does father know about this? You're abusing your authority as the crowned prince," Azhar asked in displease. Even though he grew up with a good relationship with Rahu, he will not stand down if he wronged him. He was one of the few Princes that supported him even though Amir was his brother with the same mother, so he does not understand why Rahu was treating him like this.

"The King was the one who gave me this authority so you need not to worry, just cooperate. I'll let you off soon if we don't see anything wrong," Rahu said firmly, making Azhar shut his mouth and helplessly watch his household being ransacked. Thankfully, just like he said, his family was unharmed so that at least pacified him.

"Then can you at least tell me what was happening? Is this related to the fact that the coronation had been pushed back? You know I wouldn't do something to cause that. Brother Amir and the other princes might but you know that's not me," Azhar expressed. Thinking that his brother might have suspected him of something he would never have dreamed of doing, he would be lying if he said he wasn't hurt because he was. Nevertheless, he tried to understand Rahu especially since looking at him now, he knew there was something wrong considering how his appearance had changed so much from the last time he had seen him. Normally, he'd exude such an elegant and royal presence, but now, he's like a broken man who had not eaten and slept for days.

"Azhar, I know you're a good kid and you don't covet the throne but I have to be fair and spare no pebble unturned..." Rahu tried to explain and hoped the younger prince would just understand him.

But truthfully, even after all this, he strongly believed that the Eldest Prince might have been the person who did all this but he can't be biased. After visiting all the other princes' properties, they will then ransack the Eldest prince's place which recently had been making unusual moves. In fact, at this very moment, most of his men are currently on standby and making sure that no crucial individuals would escape from his grasp. They are just waiting for the signal to finally proceed with the operation.

"But still, to do this to us without explanation..." Azhar tried to convey but he later decided it was best to just keep his words to himself. He is innocent anyway so no one in his household will be harmed.

Just like he had thought, Azhar silently waited instead of fighting Rahu for answers and finally when the raid ended, the head of the loyal subjects approached them before bowing in respect.

"Everything is clear, your highness. There's no sign of anyone being captive here."

"Captive? Who's being held captive?" Hearing the servant's report, Azhar frowned as he asked in confusion. He knew something was up but he didn't think it was something like this. Meanwhile, hearing the report, Rahu nodded and urged his men to proceed to the next location.

"Brother Shaheen, can't you at least answer my question now?" Azhar asked again in displeasure, seeing Rahu already prepared to leave. Of course, Rahu didn't answer right away. He's contemplating whether to tell Azhar, who was the Eldest Prince's younger brother. But seeing that the younger prince looked like he absolutely had no idea what was happening, Rahu sighed before he turned around.

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