I Wish My Health Insurance covered Travel Therapy

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"Thank you for all your help," Rabbi Hoffman said, shaking your hand. "I truly couldn't have done it without you."

"The same could be said vice versa, Rabbi Hoffman," you chuckled, shaking his hand in turn. "Thank you for telling me your story and allowing me to help."

It was almost noon by the time you and the rest of the hotel got any shut-eye. The body of the Hookman cosplayer needed to be taken away and the sirens and lights from the ambulance and police cars kept everyone up. The police also questioned every single one of the convention-goers and the hotel staff. Before someone called for an ambulance to take the body away, Chuck and Rabbi Hoffman told everyone to keep the whole deadly-ghost thing a secret. Most people just weren't ready to learn about the Supernatural world. Considering that they all but worshipped Chuck for saving them, it didn't take a lot of convincing. Rabbi Hoffman happily told you the story of Chuck's actions the other night when you finally woke up. Despite Rabbi Hoffman's requests, one of the employees opened the door, clearly wanting out of the convention panel. Rabbi Hoffman's injury acted up when he stood to stop the man but Chuck was already on his way to the door. The employee opened the door and one of the little psychos appeared out of thin air. Chuck was able to get to the door in time to use a conveniently-placed, iron candelabra to dissipate the ghost. He was also very assertive when telling everyone to stay inside for their own safety. It gained him the favour of a particular woman that he was non too disappointed about. You guessed that even God wanted a hero moment separate from the Winchesters.

"I wanted to ask you something if you wouldn't mind," Rabbi Hoffman said reaching into his pocket. 

"Of course," you said quickly, smiling at him. "What do you need?"

"I was wondering if I could have your preferred method of contact," Rabbi Hoffman said, pulling out a pen and paper. "You're a very intelligent, young woman and I believe you could help some of my colleagues who are both still part of the Judah Initiative and who are currently retired. I understand if you don't want to. The war I've fought isn't exactly one I expect you to, but an ally like you could be beneficial to us."

"All because I listened?" You chuckled, raising a brow.

"Because you felt the need to hear the whole story," Rabbi Hoffman corrected. "We, at the Judah Initiative, believe that you must gain the whole story and prove that who you are persecution is guilty. You've proven that you follow those ideals as much as any human can."

"I just want to know what that will entail for me," you said, hesitant to take the pen and paper.

"Myself or the colleagues I share your information with will call you about a Hunt if they believe they need help," Rabbi Hoffman explained. "You won't be expected to drop everything you're doing and help if you can't or have engaged in something you deem important. We will ask for help and you chose to come."

"I think you should consider it," Raphael said. "It will give you more opportunities to aid people that need it."

What if you already have a Hunt lined up for me?

"Then we will mull over the severities of both Hunts," Raphael explained simply. "If there is one that threatens the most lives, then we will pursue that one and ask someone else to take care of the other Hunt if needed. Perhaps ask that man you met a week ago, Rufus I believe? He is competent enough."

You smiled and took the pen and paper from Rabbi Hoffman, holding in a snort at Raphael's backhanded compliment. Just because he's an ass doesn't mean he isn't smart. I'm positive he would chew out the Winchesters like me yesterday. "I would be happy too." 

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