That's One Way to Break My Back

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Your heart was pounding in your ears as Castiel dropped, making you cling to him. This was your first time flying like this and it would have been amazing if it weren't for the fact that you were being chased by the Devil. Castiel not pulling up as you kept plummeting to the ground was another problem you had with the situation but he knew what he was doing, right? You had to force yourself to close your eyes as the ground quickly got closer, not wanting to try and bail mid-fall. That was a good judgment call considering that Castiel pulled up when you were only twenty feet from the ground. You felt your stomach drop as Castiel harshly pulled up and used his Grace to keep you as healthy as possible given that a sudden change in direction wasn't good for a normal human. 

"Really, Castiel?" Lucifer taunted, shouting over the rushing wind. "That's the oldest trick in the book. Surely you can think of something better than that."

"I have," Castiel shouted back, smirking.

Before Lucifer could blink, Michael shot up from between two buildings and tackled him in mid-air. Keeping a tight grip on his younger brother, Michael climbed and climbed until he was well above the clouds. He was holding Lucifer in the air alone for only a second before Lucifer recovered from the sudden shock of the attack. Lucifer sneered at Michael as he flapped his wings, shoving his older brother away.

"It's good to see you, Michael," Raphael growled, glaring at his older brother.

"I wish I could say the same," Michael huffed, disappointed. "You know how important a connection between an Angel and their Blessed human is. Raphael and," Michael said your name, "have an especially profound bond."

"I wasn't going to kill her," Lucifer argued, rolling her eyes. "Wasn't even going to hurt her. I was just curious what kind of human Raphael would waste his Blessing on." Lucifer crossed his arms and sighed. "Though, I guess that potential hasn't been wasted on her. She's a clever little thing."

"You have hurt her," Michael dead-panned. "Kidnapping her. Drugging her. Severing her connection to Raphael."

"It was temporary."

"It was torture," Michael corrected. He paused for only a second, pity in his eyes as he stared down at Lucifer. "You're better than this, Brother."

"Am I?" Lucifer snarled, angered at Michael's words. "You didn't seem to think that when dear old dad had you throw me into that cage," Lucifer's tone was full of malice as he circled Michael. "That was torture, Michael. I looked up to you and loved you so much. I trusted you and you threw me away like I meant nothing. Both of you did," Lucifer growled with tears threatening to fall, looking over his shoulder to spot Raphael. Because of his injured wings, Raphael was struggling to stay in the air. Archangel Blade wounds weren't easy to heal. It would take Raphael hours to heal completely heal the wings Lucifer injured. Being crushed under a building didn't help either, Raphael had a relatively hard time prying the blade out of his wings.

"We did what we were ordered to," Michael said, directing Lucifer's attention back to him. "You were a danger to humanity."

"I didn't do anything to them," Lucifer shouted. "Sure, I got Eve to eat that damn pomegranate but that was just supposed to be a harmless prank. Something to show Dad that we shouldn't be forced to worship these fucking failures. That angels are far superior." Lucifer gestured down to Earth to emphasize his point. "A lot of them clearly think so as well given that they worship you two. Hell, some of them even worship me despite the crap that's been spread."

"Not all of it is untrue," Raphael commented.

"But a lot is," Lucifer snapped. "I mean come on. Wanting to be equal to God, are you serious?"

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