A Very Happy Unbirthday to You

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It was just a regular morning.

At least, that's what it looked like on the surface. Today marked the one-year anniversary of your arrival to the Supernatural world, the same day as your and Lyra's death. You were especially sluggish as you pulled yourself out of bed, forcing yourself to get up and off of your ass before you fell into a depressive episode. Those episodes lasted a good two days before Raphael came around and boosted your serotonin levels with his Grace and overall presence. While your episodes haven't been as bad as most other people, they still affected your life negatively.

"Good morning," Raphael said through your Blessing, sensing your significant decrease in energy. "Are you alright?"

"Bad memory day," you replied. "Lucky I got out of bed."

"If you need anything, please do not hesitate," Raphael said, concern evident in his tone. 

"How possible is it for you to have a movie marathon with me tonight?" you asked, a hint of a smile on your face.

"Possible," Raphael replied with a chuckle. 

"Perfect," you yawned, stepping into the bathroom. 

The second you stopped speaking to Raphael, everything started to blur together. You couldn't remember everything you did in the bathroom but hoped that you at least had the unconscious sense to do your regular routine. Maybe you forgot something but you couldn't bother yourself to care. Hell, you walked out of your room in pyjama pants and a long-sleeved, comfy shirt. What was waiting for you downstairs surprised you and temporarily pulled you out of your head.

"Happy Blessday!" the people bellow shouted, making you jump. 

"Holy shit," you cursed under your breath, laughing as you clutched the railing. "Since when did we do something big for Blessdays?"

"Since ever," Aleksei called, laughing. 

"Dude," you snorted, standing up straight as you looked over the railing at those below. "I have celebrated each of your Blessdays with all of you, we have never done anything like this."

With everyone's Blessday, the House of the Blessed would just spend the day together. No one would leave unless it was an emergency and you would typically play the Blessed's favourite games and eat their favourite food. The angels also joined in on the down-played festivities, choosing to play the silly little games you humans did so enjoy. But the House of the Blessed went all out with your Blessday. There were streamers and decorations everywhere with a large banner that read Happy Blessings followed by your name. It was like a birthday party with everyone's family around. The Ericsons and Joneses were all grouped together, Ashley happily jumping around with Matt and Justaya's daughter, Mahiro. 

Mahiro was Matt and Justaya's adoptive daughter. She lived in Rhode Island with her birth parents before they passed in a fire that engulfed their apartment building. You first met Mahiro two months after Justaya and Matt adopted her as per their request. They wanted to make sure Mahiro was comfortable before introducing her to a whole new side of the world. Mahiro was a naturally curious soul but was quite mellow for an eight-year-old. There were times when she got overly excited but that was expected with kids, especially those who ended up close to Ashley. The two were practically inseparable doing everything together and practically begging their fathers to bring them to the House of the Blessed whenever Matt or Don came to visit. You also enjoyed spending time with them and playing different games.

"We haven't done this so you wouldn't get suspicious," Don chuckled. "Our Blessday parties are usually fairly large."

"It's pretty much a second birthday," Aleksei added, running up the stairs to you. "Now, come on, we made a shit-ton of food." Aleksei took your arm and started pulling you down the stairs.

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