You Guys Just Can't Have A Normal Family Reunion

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"You might want to hide," you warned Gabriel. "I just know your brothers are going to tear me a new one for sneaking out."

"You snuck out?" Gabriel asked his eyes wide. "How did you get into Hell?"

"I had a different kind of help," was all you said as you cut the last piece of twine keeping the corner of Gabriel's mouth shut. "There, now you can absorb your Grace," you hummed pulling the syringe Asmodeus used from your pocket and handing it to him. "But seriously, Gabriel, if you're going to keep your survival a secret from Heaven, you might want to hide now."

"No, I don't think I will," Gabriel said, chuckling as he took his Grace from your hands. "Lucifer wouldn't have given you that feather if he hasn't changed and if Lucifer's changed, Michael has too. Besides, 200 millennia on the run can really make an angel homesick." Gabriel winked at you before popping the needle off the barrel, making a cheers motion before downing his Grace.

Billie dropped you off on an apartment complex's rooftop in New York City, leaving you there and reminding you that you had that meeting with Death in a month and to dress appropriately. You thanked her before she disappeared to get her work done while you went to help cut the magically-reinforced twine Asmodeus used to sew Gabriel's mouth shut. It took some time to cut through the twine even with your Archangel Blade but Gabriel's mouth was soon free so he could speak and- in his words- finally get his hands on something sweet. You heard horns and shouting from the streets below as you sat on the ground next to Gabriel's legs, leaning back onto the parapet while the Archangel was sitting on it.

"Alright, be honest with me," Gabriel hummed as his Grace reentered his system, brightening the gold of his wings and healing some of the cuts on his vessel's body. "How much shit are you in?"

"Probably enough to fill Heaven," you huffed out a nervous laugh.

"Raphael told you not to go after me?" Gabriel asked, raising a brow as he smashed the syringe in his hand. 

"Not quite..." you took a sharp intake of breath as your legs curled up into your chest. "Your dad kinda told me not to yet..."

"Okay, pause, rewind," Gabriel said, tossing the syringe's remains to the side. "Dad's back?" 

"M-hm," you hummed, nodding. "It's a bit of a long story."

"Give me the quick and dirty rundown," Gabriel said, waving his hand.

"Alright," you huffed, taking a deep breath to try and speed-run this shit. "Lucifer kidnapped me over eight months ago and that pissed off Raphael. Michael and Castiel were called onto the scene to help rescue me which they did but not without the Princes of Hell showing up out of nowhere and launching me into a parapet." You took a breath before continuing. "My back was almost completely destroyed and that made Raphael fall out of the sky because of the shared-pain thing. At that point, God was acting as a Prophet, going by the alias of Chuck Shurley. I knew who he was and told Castiel to get Chuck there. Chuck got there, I told him I knew and that he needed to step up and be a fucking father before his kids killed each other."

"You didn't," Gabriel said, eyes wide.

"Oh, I did," you snorted. "I was in pain and 100% done with everyone's bullshit, including his. Anyway, later, I talked to Chuck in private about you and I was going to tell him that I knew you were going to end up in Asmodeus's hands. But Chuck shut me up and told me that you would learn about the Apocalypse ending and come back in your own time. But then you pulled that spell that hid you from Chuck's view and two months ago I went through some kind of blinding pain and practically heard you screaming into my ear for help. That's when Chuck told me to find you."

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