Part 52: Battle of the Words

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Zoe's POV

"Once upon a time, there was a woman. This woman was not like others. She had undeniable power and undeniable pride. She lived a very good life, yet did not care. She was always finding something to hate in the world."

Everyone was staring at me now, transfixed by my story.

"One day, she felt so passionate about something she was blind to love, causing her biggest secret to be set in motion. This passionate fling caused the start of a child to blossom inside her body."

The room was so silent, you could hear a pin drop.

"The woman couldn't have this, as she had already dedicated herself to another, and promised to keep her virginity. So, she switched the body into a woman she hated, making her believe it was her child, and the child inherited gifts from everyone. The couple made of the woman she hated had been wanting to have a child, and she unintentionally made this dream come true."

Something was off, this story was nagging me in the back of my brain. We had learned this from Ruth, Hedge had, but it reminded me of something else. Something more.

This story was way too familiar. 

"The women never told anyone, but her heir lived, ready to overthrow her and become the new ruler of what the women ruled."

This part had come out on its own, an idea in my head.

I realized.

I was Hera's child.

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