Ch. 20 | Cheesy Films

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- Edd and the guys were pressing their noses against the window of a shop. You didn't know what they had their eyes on, but you knew they were in love with it. "What're you guys looking at?" You asked, wandering over to Edd. "Look at that beauty!" He replied absently, pointing at a camera displayed in the window. You followed his finger.

"Ooh!" The camera was practically calling your name. You found yourself copying the other guys' actions, pressing your nose against the window. The jingle of the shop's door snapped you all back to reality. Edd led you all into the store and over to the camera. You were stopped almost instantly. "You need to pay," a stern man said.

"How much is it?" Tom asked, reaching for his wallet. Matt peeked over his friend's shoulder. "Three-hundred dollars," the man answered, glaring at you. Tom reversed his actions immediately.  You felt small and exposed under his icy stare. Why is he looking at me? I'm not the one paying. You thought, stubbornly giving him the same look. His intense aura faltered a tad bit.

"I don't have enough," Tom mumbled. "We can split it," Edd offered, pulling out his own wallet. You and Matt exchanged a look. Tom and Edd huddled together, muttering to themselves. They each pulled out a bit of money and started muttering even more before straightening. "Here you go, sir!" Edd said. The guy took the camera and walked over to the counter.

You and the others scampered after him. The guy handed the camera to an older man, who checked the price and looked up expectantly. Three hundred dollars due showed on the register. Edd and Tom both slapped some money onto the counter, which the man counted. "Thank you for your purchase!" He said. Tom snatched the camera triumphantly.

"C'mon, guys!" He said, racing out of the shop. You and the guys exploded through the front door as you gave chase. Tom led you all right back home. "Alright, guys! Let's all collect our brain cells and think of a good movie plot to film!" Tom said enthusiastically. You crashed in the living room, thinking, but you all ended up drawing a shaky blank.

"What about a romance film?" Matt suggested hesitantly. Tom shot him a look of disgust, while you and Edd gave him an approving nod. "I think that would be interesting," you agreed. Edd stood up. "I'm gonna need a cola to get through this," he said, walking into the kitchen. You looked from Tom to Matt curiously. "What should the script-"

"How about..." Matt proceeded to describe a script to a mighty-cliche high school love story. When he was finished, he looked around for any comments. Tom was glaring at him. You and Edd were huddled together, tears were forming in your eyes. Who was cutting onions? "Th...That was beautiful," Edd said, clinging to you. You nodded in agreement.

"You're outnumbered," Matt said proudly, winking at Tom. He rolled his eyes. "Fine, whatever. Cheesy love story it is," he muttered in defeat. Everyone stood up. "Let's get filming!" Edd cheered. Tom instantly scrambled over to you. "We'll be main characters!" he exclaimed. You flinched at his sudden change of mood, but you decided to play it off.

"I thought you were against this idea?" Edd said, cocking an eyebrow. He clearly thought the same thing as you. Tom didn't respond. "Who cares? Let's just start filming." Matt said, snatching the camera from Tom and fiddling with it. You scrambled to his side and watched him. Tom and Edd walked up behind you two.

"I got it working," Matt announced proudly. "Good job, Matt!" You praised, glancing at the screen. Edd handed Tom a notepad. Matt had described a perfect love story, script and all, so Edd wrote everything down. "Okay, now we need to get props." Matt tapped his chin in recollection. "I think we still have props from Space Cats," he said hesitantly.

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