Ch. 50 | Clouds Always Clear

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Two days later.

You stood in the middle of the yard, preparing to give your incredibly moving speech. The entire army was crowding around you, curious to hear what you had to say and chatting up ideas with each other. You had practiced this speech in the mirror almost a hundred times, but now that you had to address everyone directly, you felt like throwing up right there and then. You sighed.

"Alright," you called. Everyone looked at you. Every conversation stopped. You decided to dumb it down to keep the suspense level low. "We've been through a whole lot together," you started. Everyone muttered their agreement. "And I want you all to know that I'm not abandoning you." Their agreement turned into surprise. Destiny stepped forward. "You're leaving?"

"Kind of," you looked at your feet. Everyone started bombarding you with questions. You tried to fend them off, but there were too many. "I just think that I shouldn't be the one to lead you all," you admitted. "Someone else will make this army better." You looked into the crowd, promptly spotting Edd, Matt, and Tom. "And I have other things to live for."

Tom caught your eye and immediately looked away. Edd and Mat had no problem staring into your soul. You looked back at Destiny. "But since I'm leaving, I'd better put someone else in charge." You looked back at the crowd. Everyone was staring at you urgently now. You were looking for one person in particular though. You finally spotted him standing in the back.

Moment of truth. You sighed and stared at him. "Paul, come here." He stared at you, eyes wide, before walking forward. Patryk followed him, looking awfully proud of his partner. "Tord trusted you to stand beside him, so I'm choosing to trust you with this army." Paul shifted on his feet, feeling slightly overwhelmed. "The moment I leave, you're in charge, alright?"

Paul nodded anxiously. "I won't let you down, Y/N!" He replied. Everyone started whispering, confused. "Y/N, you're really leaving?" You turned to face the person. Miles. His voice was small and he looked ready to burst into tears. "I have to," you answered. More like I want to, you thought guiltily. "I bought a house, I want to live a different life." Edd, who had made his way to the front, very audibly gasped.

"They remade the house? You bought the house?" He asked. "Yeah," you answered bluntly, looking back at Miles. "You'll be fine on your own, right?" He didn't answer. Instead, he just walked into the crowd. You sighed and brushed yourself off. You already packed your stuff, and you were ready to get the hell out of there.

You shouldered your way through the sea of confused people. "You guys should pack," you said when you reached the guys. Edd, who had trailed behind you, blinked in confusion. "We don't have any stuff?" Matt kicked his shin, trying to shut him up. "Okay, be right back!" He said innocently, running off.  Edd grumbled under his breath, rubbing his shin.

You decided to take one last look around the base. You would probably return if anyone needed you, but you wanted one last run-down just in case. You walked around, taking in the yard, your office, the lab, and even the literal dungeon you had been kept in. When you returned, Matt was with Edd and Tom. "I got my stuff!" He said when he spotted you.

"Those are guns, Matt." The ginger looked at the large duffel bag of guns he was carrying, then at you. "Yeah," he responded. "You can't bring guns to London." He pouted. "Well, why not?" He whined. "Because. The outbreak is over, and we know how to defend ourselves. Why do you want guns?" Matt narrowed his eyes at you. "Just in case. We have a license! Why not?"

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