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I might break y'all hearts I'm thinking of giving you some happy ending or not.



"Yoimiya" I called her.

She smiles at me and waved.

"My brother and Thoma are busy Uhm... Do you mind if I hang out with you?"I ask her shyly. She laughs

W-What is so funny about it?!

"Come on Ayaka your still shy? we're couples right now hahaha" And she laughs more.

What? I know that but I can't help it!

"Stay in my house for tonight Ayaka..."She said when she stopped laughing.

I raised my brows "Your done laughing now?"I said to her

"Aww, don't be angry Ayaka I'll make it up to you!" She said and hold my hands and I blush...

"Let's go to eat something I'll treat you!"She said to me and drag me around Inazuma.

After eating we decided to go to her place.

We came across Traveler I guess he was doing commissions... He looked at me and waved.

"Traveler!"I shouted.

"Ayaka!"Paimon shouts.

"Come on Yoimiya let's say hi to them!"I said excitedly.

"Go on, my father just called me I'll be back okay. Take care darling."She said to me and wave at the traveler

"Her father called her...Good afternoon Traveler" I said to them while smiling.

"Good afternoon Ayaka..."Traveler seems down...

"What's the problem?"I ask him concerned.

"He's been like that since xiao left the Wangshu In"Paimon whispered to me.

Xiao? who's xiao?

"Who's xiao?"I whispered back.

"Oh, one of the Adeptus in liyue..."

Hmm, I guess I can help travelers with that...

"Let's hang out with Yoimiya today traveler!"I said.

He nodded at me and we go to Yoimiya's house

"Yoimiya!"I called her

"Wait a minute...Ayaka I need to do some stuff do you wanna come?"She ask me and I looked at the traveler and they nod.

So I said yes to yoimiya. "yoimiya where are we heading? I asked 

"To ritou, I'll pick up some materials for the new product."She said so I nodded at her.

"So Ayaka how's Thoma?"Traveler asks...

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