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"But do you think he is connected to the girls being taken or do you think he heard of Kalon and is trying to lure her to him?"

"William, I don't know. He was still in the same spot the second time she was in that room so I think either way he was waiting for her. But she would be beneficial to anyone in the trade of stolen girls," Alex sat back in his seat, "She would be able to find girls, see packs coming, know the future. She is a true gift."

"But he has dark magic and can do whatever he likes. He has no moral code. They don't need her."

"Maybe that's true but she could help him. Help him gain more power," Alex rubbed at his temples, "I need to start prepping the packs who are accepting the women and children." William stepped out of the office as Alex made a few phone calls. 

Becca knocked on the open door and came in, "Can we talk for a second?" 

Alex nodded but just as she was about to say something Kalon came running in with Steven following, "I'm gonna be an aunt! Can I see him or her?" Becca looked at Alex who slowly stood from the desk. 

"Please, don't over react." 

"Over react? I just got you back and you are PREGNANT!" Alex screamed. 

Kalon's eyes widened as she tried to take a few steps back but Steven knocked into her as he went to stand in front of his mate.  Alex growled at Steven who wasn't backing down. Kalon's fear and worry was making it's way through the pack. Titus stepped behind her and put a hand on her shoulder. 

Not moving when Alex growled at Steven again she dropped to her knees, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry!" Alex's eyes snapped to his mates as he heard her cries. 

Titus moved in front of her growling out a warning. James and Adam moved towards Kalon and pulled her to her feet ushering her away. "MINE!" 

"Not like this she isn't." Kalon continued to cry as they pulled her into the living room. Ben came running through the front door and asked what was going on. Kalon fell off the couch to her knees and began apologizing. 

"What? Kali, you did nothing wrong." Ben was about to pull Kalon off the floor when there was a growl.  Alex came stalking towards where his mate was.  He growled deeply making Kalon's crying worsen. "Alpha, you are scaring your mate into submission. Listen to her cries, it's her wolf." 

Kalon's wolf whimpered in her head pushing her further down. As her neck was exposed the growling stopped and Alex began to whimpered out. Ben stepped close to Kalon and placed his hand gently on her arm, "Come on Kali, show me what happened as we go up stairs." 

She was hesitant to stand but grabbed his hand. Looking back at Alex she quickly turned away, Titus and Adam following behind. Once they were upstairs Alex's eyes stayed on the stairs as Rebecca pulled out of Steven's arms, "You need to get that wolf of yours in control. I am not a child." 

"I'm sorry. I am on edge. I need to go apologize to Kalon." Alex moved towards the stairs where James stood blocking his way, "I need to go up." 

"No, she is talking to Titus and Ben right now. She is trying to process what happened." 

"I need my mate! That is what happened. Now please-" 

"She isn't old enough. You have a war at your back door. You have to wait." 

Alex's shoulders stiffened as he turned to look at Steven, "You don't think I know that? And the only plan she has is one where she has the potential of getting hurt. I understand that I have to wait, my wolf on the other hand doesn't."

Alex shook his head and moved back towards his office slamming the door. 

Kalon jumped when she heard the door slam, "It's okay. He will calm down." She nodded at Titus and continued looking at her book. She wolf was still whimpering in her head. She shook her head trying to get it to stop. Also trying to hold herself back. 

Aaron walked in to the office and looked at Alex with disgust, "You forced your mate into submission! Alpha or not you know what that does to a bond. You've just put her through the worst pain she has ever felt. You know what she is doing upstairs right now?" Alex said nothing but he could feel her pain through the bond. 

"She thinks she is below you and is fighting with herself on if she should or shouldn't come serve you."

Alex's jaw clenched as he felt like a failure of a mate, "I just am on edge, an Alpha or wolf would be in the same situation. They won't let me up to apologize to her." 

"I don't think an apology will do. Submit to her and calm the fuck down!" 

Alex stood and walked out of his office pushing past Aaron. When he go to the steps he stopped in front of James, "Let me pass." James moved out of the way and Alex took the stairs two at a time. When he got to the top he quickly shifted and headed for Kalon's door. Once outside he could see them inside and lowered his head. 

Titus and Ben immediately noticed and moved slightly closer to Kalon. She was still looking at her book when her wolf whimpered to turn around. When she did she lowered her gaze. 

Alex inched closed keeping his head low, when he was a foot away from her he lowered his body to the ground and rolled onto his back. 

"What is he doing?" 

Ben cleared his throat, "He is offering his submission to you. Its a very serious apology." 

"We don't want it." Kalon turned back to her book as Alex let a whimper out. Kalon dropped the book in her hand as she felt pain in her chest and neck, "AHH!" 

"Kalon, you need to tell Alex you still want to be mates, otherwise you are rejecting him." Kalon's eyes closed as the pain became more intense. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2023 ⏰

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